Need help, yellowing leaves, curling, small white bugs!!!!


Active Member
ok so ive been away from growing for awhile now and im hopping right back into it! Im having a few problems hopefully all of you can help me out with! first off im using miracle grow organic choice, the first week the ph was about 7.5 which is way to high from what ive been studying around on and now i have the ph at 6 been doing that for about 4 days now, i water about once a day and spray 2 times, i did use grandma;s gold standard molasses for about 3 days then i stopped using it which i will save for flowering. the lighting is 2 20w cfls and the plants sit about 6 inches away from the light, temp is usually around 72-78 degress and im just using water no nuts atm. the other problem i might be having is bugs!!!!! there little tiny white fuckers with a kinda see through ass end, i can see them with my eye but i cant get a good pic, they usually come out when i water and ive seen them go up on the brim of the pot where there is water. Here are some pics i have

plant #1 with a little yellowing DSC_0151.jpg

plant #2 with curling,yellowing&LWF's DSC_0153.jpg&DSC_0152.jpg

Here is my home-made set up =) DSC_0154.jpg

Any and all help is appreciated!

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
molasses is for when your plant has buds . way too early for that. the bugs are root aphids there common when useing miracle grow soil. start over after doing some reserch. you have to understand the basics if you ever want a good crop.

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
ok so ive been away from growing for awhile now and im hopping right back into it! Im having a few problems hopefully all of you can help me out with! first off im using miracle grow organic choice, the first week the ph was about 7.5 which is way to high from what ive been studying around on and now i have the ph at 6 been doing that for about 4 days now, i water about once a day and spray 2 times, i did use grandma;s gold standard molasses for about 3 days then i stopped using it which i will save for flowering. the lighting is 2 20w cfls and the plants sit about 6 inches away from the light, temp is usually around 72-78 degress and im just using water no nuts atm. the other problem i might be having is bugs!!!!! there little tiny white fuckers with a kinda see through ass end, i can see them with my eye but i cant get a good pic, they usually come out when i water and ive seen them go up on the brim of the pot where there is water. Here are some pics i have

plant #1 with a little yellowing View attachment 1981198

plant #2 with curling,yellowing&LWF's View attachment 1981200&View attachment 1981199

Here is my home-made set up =) View attachment 1981202

Any and all help is appreciated!

Growing marijuana is not as easy as you might think. anybody can throw a seed in the ground and water it. Premium marijuana takes reserch, trial and error, and experence to grow.


Well-Known Member
slam those cfls closer, stop watering every day wait till they are getting dry and give them no nutes yet. update us in a week


Well-Known Member
go to your local garden store and tell them about the bug they will put u in the right direction on what to get to rid the bugs


New Member
Watering once a day in MG is not a good idea. The soil has time released water activated nutes in it. Hence, overwatering will cause burn. As for the root aphids, I really don't want to advise because I have never dealt with any critters before. The lights are too far from the plants and the glass shield is completely unecessary. CFLs put of very little heat and can be so close as to almost touch the plant. However, all that being said and as much as I hate to say dump them, I would probably start all over. Spend a few extra dollars and get a good soil. I suggest FF Happy Frog or Roots Organics. Both of these are very rich in premium nutrients but are not time released. They should take your babies through transplant and 3 weeks after. I also totally agree with the above post. Read, study, plan, and act BEFORE you begin. Read the stickies on the forums, and click the link in my signature. It contains a variety of how to videos from master growers for first timers. Best of Luck!


New Member
If you take the high road and attempt too save them, Mother Ganja will be happy with you. I also suggest going and asking your hydro shop how to deal with the bugs. When you are there get a better medium and some inert perlite.


Active Member
100_1730.jpg100_1732.jpgFirst things first ,get rid of these babies ,start over.Read about new growth for a few nights on different forums look at som pictures ,these plants should not even be out of the RH dome which you probaly dont own 10 bucks hydro store or DIY , stay in RH dome until 3-4 sets of leaves ust spritz dome and plants 2 times a day after t rnsplant just use B1 i use FFOF soil very happy with it ,for couple weeks then start low nutes . Get rid of the glass shield it is taking away energy for the plants ,really save a buck get a T5 fixure with 4/24" bulbs this will grow a great couple of plants ,just buy flower bulbs when it is time ,i know i grew 3 got 5 zips first time Just do some reading Happy Farming ,Cajun


Active Member
I could not find a picture with my RH dome but the one picture in the small box those had just been transplanted into those 6 inch pots


Active Member
thanks!im going to take the glass shield off as you guys have stated cfls dont put out that much heat and i live in a town where gardening isn't a hotspot so im going to have to order the FFOF soil online, and as for the t5 fixture i think im just going to stick with the cfls, maybe add another in there, im looking for short bulky plants but then comes in do i order autoflowering or no (any personal grows that had good results with small high yeilding plants let me know!) then as for nutrients would the FF nuts be a good start, like i said i dont want monster plants just sexy and short.


New Member
Here is a link to FF where to buy page. Shipping soil will cost more then the soil itself in most cases.

Just remember the FFOF is very hot soil and should be well buffered wih inert perlite. I would suggest the Happy Frog, I use it for all my grows and my babies love it. Whichever you choose you will not need any additional nutes for several weeks. I start in a 4" pot, 3-4 week later I transplant into their final home, a 3 gallon bag. I add no nutes for the first 6-7 weeks, 3 in the first pot, 3 in the final medium. Best of luck!


Active Member
i think ill go with the happy frog here for my first time, also remember im growing in that computer case so ill just have to transplant them into possibly a longer and deeper bin idfk if a 3 gal bag would fit in the computer =P, any suggestion on where i should order my seeds from?


Active Member
found a local dealer for FF happy frog! making adjustments to my case tonight and researching which seeds to get! completely starting over and i wouldnt be getting more knowledge without all of you thanks!~ will post pics when everything is ready!


Active Member
thanks ill have to check it out! ill post a new pic of modified set up, the soil and nuts i got just to make sure i got mostly what i need! thank you for all the help!


Active Member
here is the new setup, took off the glass cover and added a actual temp and humidity thermo, and the soil and nut i got!DSC_0151 (2).jpgDSC_0152 (2).jpg

also im going to try to transplant the babies to the new soil if at ALL possible.