Need help with veg to flower

Ok so I have this plant that has been growing for about 3-4 months now and she started out outside I wasn’t really even trying to grow her I just threw the seeds in the yard came back to my parent in laws house a month later to find a nice little tree so I left it came back a week or so later and it had began to enter flowering on its own but it is noooo where near ready to flower it’s still relatively small, so I dug her up put her in a bucket and brought her home where she’s been sitting under a 300w spectra for about 3 weeks now she hasn’t really been making much progress doesn’t seem like she wants to go back to veg stage. The buds and everything on her are already looking and smelling nice but they’re really small so my question being should I just let her flower and just salvage what I can off her?


Well-Known Member
If it was well into flower it takes a long while, just keep in under 24/0 or 18/6
It will happen.


Well-Known Member
Ok and do you think the buds it’s already formed will be bad or you will they stop growing and grow again when put back into flower
When I reveg on purpose by the time it happens the old buds are all fucked up.

I reveg by harvesting all but the lower 10 percent then putting it back in veg.

I would need to see yours to decide if you should prune it down or just veg it as is.


Well-Known Member
Just keep revegging as it is.
It will start to twist and curl then straighten out once its in veg again.

Once that happens lets see it again
I took clones from a plant in flower at 2 weeks,that was a month ago and they are just starting to reveg,i use 24/0 for 3 weeks then switch to 18/6,this seems to help them along a bit faster