Need help with transplanting 1 week into flowring

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Hello all... I have an issue with my girls. I bought soil from a nursury and needless to say its full of gnats and bugs!! Now after about 1 month my girls are getting nute lock since i see the leaves yellowing and dying. I've noticed her getting better after a few foliar feedings so i know its nute lock. Also, the PH of the soil is almost at 8 and after a few flushings and using water with a PH of 6.5 the soil is still at almost 8!!! After i transplanted one of them outside into the ground i see her getting better and thriving. Now I have my main girl who is 1 week into flowring and I wanted to move her into Fox Farms Ocean forest i found at a local hydro store. Will she do better ? What steps should i take before transplanting her. I dont want to loose her since she looks really good except for the yellowing and bugs. want to do this today please need help.