Need help with some babies


Active Member
Help! This is my second grow -- the first was hydro and did not go well. I'm hoping you can help me this time.

This lady just started her second week of veg -- she's growing inside a grow tent in Fox Farm Light Warrior soil, under a 400w MH, which is 36 inches from her. Until tonight she's only had H20, but this evening I gave a half strength dose of Fox Farm Grow Big. She was started in a rapid root plug.

The grow tent should have pretty good ventilation -- 40w fan in the ceiling and a small box fan pointed away from the plants in the bottom.

She's Crystal Rain strain - I thought the yellowing might go along with the strain - but then I noticed some slight burning on her leaf tips. That's when I turned here for some help.


mr j2

Well-Known Member
you shouldnt introduce nutes that early. plus fox farms soils generally have enough nutes in them to get you through two weeks easy. the yellowing is probably from being over nute'd just flush and dont add any more nutes for another 1-2 weeks and start with a really diluted mix.


Active Member
I just tried adding the nutes tonight, so the yellowing was there first. It's been there the last few days. I don't think that's it, unless the soil itself had too much in it. :-?

mr j2

Well-Known Member
hm yeah idk, i know that ff ocean forest can burn young plants but im not sure whats in light warrior. my mix is only about half ocean forest and the rest is a nute-less mix and perlite. i made the mistake of trying to introduce a little bit of grow big too early and it still burnt mine. id still just flush and lay off the nutes for a little. it cant hurt