Need help with Soil Selection...


Active Member
Hey guys,
I bought 2 clones last Monday. They are about 2" tall and in a very small 2" x 2" x 2" container and rooted in rockwool.

I'd like to go ahead and transplant, so my question is, what type soil should I use? Is it ok to go with the Miracle Growth? If I do go with MG, does it provide all the nutes that the plant will need throughout the veg stage?

Another question is, can I just put them in a large pot (their final home) now, so that I do not need to transplant again later?
Whats the advantage of using a small pot, and then increasing the pot size as the plant grows???

Thx in advance
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New Member
I am still finding a good soil mix myself, Mg is very bad for beginners. For just starting out i would just go for a big pot to start with.
Good luck



Active Member
Thanks for the advice. I decided to go with the Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. I've done some reading and it seems to be pretty good.

If anyone else have any input feel free to drop a note R 2.

Happy blazing:joint:


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, I would go with Promix hp. Best bang for buck, and you should be able to find it in most cities.