need help with screen design


Well-Known Member
im doing a scrog in a few weeks. ive got 2 plants, each in a 2.5gal pot. so this is my idea... i want to put four pvc tubes or pieces of wood sticking out the top of my pots. a little bit above the plants, im going to attach a screen that is 1ftx3ft, to the pvc or wood. that way each one has their own screen and im able to move em around if needed.

anyways, since im using FF ocean forest soil, i dont think the sticks will stay in it because its too airy and loose. is there a way to attach stakes to the sides of the pot?


Well-Known Member
Put "legs" on your screen, like legs on a table! Put the screen/table over your plants. But trust me, after the plants grow into the screen, you wont be able to move anything!

Another way would be to build the screen "like a box" (with the screen as the top) and put your plants into the box. That way you could move the whole box if you have to - you never know!


Well-Known Member