Need Help with My Setup Please!

need help with lighting guys !

hey guys im sorry for being a noobie and i hope for our sake that the question i ask wont bother you because of the stupidity.

my purpose for growing cannabis is to pay for a place to leave my head at night before i get kicked out of my house. i have attached a picture of 2 florescent long lights. i was wondering if i could use these for the lumens they produce? i also was gonna use a hybrid dual arc. MH &HPS for maximum output and also for vegetation and flowering combined with the florecent. i will be using coco noir. about 20 plants. as far as nutrients i still dont know whether i want lucas or AN.. i don't even know much about that stuff yet.. ill be using a big mylar growing tent. ill be buying clones so i wont have to be growing it from seeds.. can i transfer them from soil to coco noir? as far as containers go ill be using a jiffy pot no larger then 6" until i can transplant them into a few gallon one for ultimate growth. i do not want to shock the plant during the process so i believe the jiffy pot would be smart.. also another pot would be a coco noir por or coir pot.. gottta love that coco!! about ventalation im not 100% sure yet.. i guess ill put a small fan in there? not sure please help me! and for water ill probably use 9.5 ph water.. also sorry for that big ass picture.. pisses me off lol