Need Help!! with my Pc grow box!!!

Hey so this is my first time posting on here so i hope you can bare with me. Im looking to make my very own Pc Grow box i have the general idea of gutting the case out completely, but have run into a few bumbs in the road.. well anyways i got a good deal on just plain old midsized gaming tower case.
My questions are...

-Is there anyway to get rid of the rivets without making an extreme amount of noise? (this ones a long shot i do have the drill just incase) but would be nice if there was anotherway about it.
-The case that i have is very very ventaliated and has 3 fans. One is in the very front of the computer towards the bottom of the face if you will. the other 2 are on the back one is on the ceiling of the unit in the back left coner and the other is in the exact opposite place as the one in the front.(face of the comp close to the ground)

so i guess to sum it all up... Would this case be good for a pc grow box? if it is, any tips on how exactly i should set it up?

if anyone can help me come up with some sort of strategy or guide to maybe facilitate this it would be greatly appreciated!


I will be watching this thread. I just bought a PC case to do this as well and I know the hardest part will be taking everything out from the inside. I kind of wish I could have found a PC case like the ones that you use to be able to find where you had to put them together yourself. That way I wouldn't have to worry about all those little things on the inside that are so hard to get off.


Well-Known Member
It could work IMO but you would probably need the drill. You can always just take it outside or somewhere else to drill it. And also if it wont work just but a case online for like $20-50 on amazon