Need help with idea


Active Member
So i am moving into a condo with mom really soon, and im very intrested in putting some plants in my walk in closet, worrying about mom finding them is not the problem seeing as she thinks its a great idea sence i smoke mass amounts of nugs. the only problem is stealth, if for any reason someone was to come in the area pest controll, some thing breakin etc. any ideas on what i could do?


Well-Known Member
So i am moving into a condo with mom really soon, and im very intrested in putting some plants in my walk in closet, worrying about mom finding them is not the problem seeing as she thinks its a great idea sence i smoke mass amounts of nugs. the only problem is stealth, if for any reason someone was to come in the area pest controll, some thing breakin etc. any ideas on what i could do?
Talk it over with your mommy, and see what she thinks.:mrgreen:


Active Member
my mom doesnt give to fucks, she encourages me to do it, and liveing with my dad i had a nice little op. im just sketched about someone comin in and finding it? just want it superr stealth because i dnt want to put my mother at risk.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Ventilation is probably the biggest problem you'd run into with a setup like that. Can you run a vent pipe outside from your closet? This would keep smell under control, which is important.

Ideally you'd put a lock on your closet door and keep it closed all the time. As long as no one else has any reason to go in there, you should be ok.


Active Member
ventilation would be a little bit of a problem, i could use carbon filters and ona block but i was scopein out the walk in closet and it has a air vent in it, so fresh air wouldnt be a problem, and i have the main room with a balcony in it i could run it out there? but what if someone eles on there balcony smelt it, im not talkin huge opperation just like a 6 site hydro set up with a 400w hps


Well-Known Member
Pest control should not be an issue, just post a note on your door asking them not spray. That's what I do at my apartment, I checked with the landlord just to make sure. They can't force you to have poisons sprayed inside your home.


Well-Known Member
So your mommy is renting an apt. and your moving in with her, and your mommy is cool with you growing.
I get it....

Why would anyone come into your residence without your prior consent?
They wouldn't.
They need to give you at least 24-48 hours notice that they need to do
something at your residence.
That should give you plenty of time to move the plants somewhere else, while they are working at your residence.

I wouldn't worry about it.
Your mommy is cool about it, your daddy is cool about it.
No need to grow in a closet......
Fuck it......why not just grow right in the livingroom. :blsmoke:


Active Member
hahaha yeah, its just me and my mom and its a condo, so im a little sketch about some old farts, but they prolly wanna hit it to,but the dude today was like if somethin from here is drippin on the floor under neath you we have the right to come in and see whats going on, really sketched me out. i should probably just go with the walk in closet and have a nice little room? its probably 3' by 6' i would have to figure out ventilation tho.