Need help with hydro system and weight.


Active Member
I'm a newb with hydroponics, and figured I'd go with ebb and flow as it seems its the easiest. My particular problem and question is, I have a 8ft by 6ft space up in my roof to grow.

How many plants you think I would be able to fit in this space with a hydro system. Starting small now with only a few plants. But I'm looking for max. utilization and yields for my space eventually.

And how heavy do you guys think the hydro system is, knowing water is pretty damn heavy and whatnot, I dont want to be crashing through the ceiling under the weight of the system.

Thanks alot guys for your time and patience.


Well-Known Member
because you didnt supply enough info man... How many gallons of water we talking about? 1 galon? 30 galons? what kind of roof? any beams? make sure your able to stand on the roof and its safe.. if so you can put it there. ventilation...light leakage...odor.... ETC all of those things you have to consider


Well-Known Member
yep - need to think about ventilation (fresh air, exhaust hot stinky air, did i mention lots and lots of fresh air, fans, etc..), atmosphere control (temperature, humidity, light/odor leakage, etc...) and you'll be going through a lot of water so readily available fresh water and drainage is also necessary.

as far as the amount of plants - you could fit an assload squared of single-bud small plants in the area you have. less than that if you want them to be bigger just remember that the light has to penetrate in order to be useful - so many smaller plants may be better yielding than fewer larger plants.

anyway - thought i'd throw some ideas out there...