Need Help with Feeding Schedule.. please read...


Active Member
ok growers so i have a question... so its week 4 today and they only had 1/4tsp of floranova grow before they went into flower. they had kelp meal once in flower (someone said to dont use kelp meal?) anyways since its week 4 already how should i schedule my feeding? and how should i measure it? because if i give them a good dosage id only be able to feed prob 2times before harvest.

is there any way i can give them low doses of bloom every week to make up for whta they missed??? thanks


New Member
you can go ahead and give full strenght . be carefully not to go anything above full strenght no matter how much the evil demons inside your head tell you ! lol " DO NOT GIVE THEM EXTRA ! " just keep up the normal feeding as normal.


Active Member
im using floranova i burned 2plants when i gave them 1/4tsp of the grow the other 2 didnt get burned at all. so basically im very cautious on ho much bloom i should give them. im asking this because its already been 4weeks with no bloom. so how many times am i gonna feed them twice??? is that even enough?? thats y im asking if i can give them low dosage every week lmk thanks for inout.