Need help with bending!!


Any 1 got any ideas on how to keep an over grown indica out of sight its gone monsterous and hasnt even started budding yet any good tips or pics on how to bend and shit healthily


:peace: OUT
Every Thing I Say Is False bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well....BEND it, then use sum string to ty it down. its in veg i hope right?? u said no buds


Well-Known Member
u could 'supercrop' witch u bend and gently kink the stem and ty it down witch forms a knot in the stem to stregnthen it, but i think personally(throo xperience) gently tying down is much less stressful.


hmm thanks i will put up a pic soon cheers for help tho but i dont realy wanna twist it or anything because i already tryed it and so far ive lost 1 branch and almost split my plant


Well-Known Member
yea u can tie it and that will work, i had to do it last year around 4 different times! one thing tho, don't use fishing line. it cuts into the stem and can kill the branch. after noticing this i used folded up cloth to wrap around the stalk and tied the line around it. but this year i'll use some green 1/8in. nylon rope to tie down w/ instead so as not to have to worry about the cutting issue. but tying it down or LSTing (low stress training) ur plant DOES increase ur yield. it'll turn ur plant into a beast, believe me! hope that helped ya.:peace:


yea u can tie it and that will work, i had to do it last year around 4 different times! one thing tho, don't use fishing line. it cuts into the stem and can kill the branch. after noticing this i used folded up cloth to wrap around the stalk and tied the line around it. but this year i'll use some green 1/8in. nylon rope to tie down w/ instead so as not to have to worry about the cutting issue. but tying it down or LSTing (low stress training) ur plant DOES increase ur yield. it'll turn ur plant into a beast, believe me! hope that helped ya.:peace:
yer but u see its in an area with 3 other thriving females and there is no room to bend the hole plant :S and i cant tie down cause when the wind blows to hard branches rip off . and its not to good a feeling when that happens :weed:

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I had a broblem like this last year, theres no problem just bend it.

Heres some before and aftr pics.

As you can see its nearly peeking over the nabours wall:hump:



thats how i had it and it split down the middle
any pics on a low stress training method?

[Every thing i say and do on this forum is a lie and is not real][/all photos are either fake or i have received them via internet]


Well-Known Member
its prolly too late for LST... you need to start that when there seedlings... you might be able to fashion a scrog screen from some wire or twine..... but you may still have to prune


here is a pic off my indica plant as you can see it has out grown its area, this plant is only 3.5 months old and is already 6 foot plus im tiyin to train it along thin string useing plastic ties so string dosnt cut into plant it keeps popping its head over the fence.all my plants this year have grown well beyond my expectations