NEED HELP With Baby Plants !!! Urgent


New Member
Hi peepz...

This is my first time growing Marijuana... I have just taken this plant from a friend yesterday and he had cut off all the nodes while it was small because he wanted to sell it!! DO NOT ASK ME WHY I DO NOT KNOW!!

So i have ended up with it and it looks a mess.. i need to bring it back to life.. i gave it water yesterday and it looks as if it is coming back to life in some areas but also looks burnt and brown on the end of the leaves... they are also curling up which is making me wonder if it's going to die..?

What can i do to save the plant and bring it back to life completely...

I have no UV lights at the moment so i keep it on the windowsill as it is too cold outside.

here are some pictures of the plant...

please i need to know what to do.. thanks!


One thing you must consider when growing marijuana is that there are fundamental rules that must be followed;

Good soil, water, nutrients, ph and lighting. You must have a suitable environment for your plants. Check your basics and see if you are within the normal guide-lines for growing good bud. That is my advice.


New Member
yea but i want to do my best with sunlight... please...

well i added pics... it looks really rough and poor


Well-Known Member
What the fuck. Don't call that guy a friend, because he basically gave you a twig that has little chance of surviving, even with good care. lol Try it though, by all means. Might work.


Sector 5 Moderator
lol it's the Charlie Brown Christmas tree!
I hate to say it but you nailed it!! I think it's done like dinner. I would be surprised if even one of our Ganja Gods on here could save that plant; it looks like it's got the mange. If you paid for that you got screwed.


New Member
is there any way i can snap the stem and restart its growing or something ?

I know i sound stupid but what would be the best idea?

and please, don't say chuck it away.



Sector 5 Moderator
I'm not going to blow smoke up your skirt just to show how much I know because I don't know jack. You might be able to use it as a clone but that might be pointless IMHO. If you've already got roots and the basic frame of a plant, sans leaves, it might be best to just leave it as is. Why don't you PM one of the mods or FDD on this. FDD grows in soil and knows his sheet.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
HAHAHA!!! when isaw the leftovers of that plant i couldnt help but laugh! dam. it looks so bad=( get some revive nutes from advanced nutrients. good luck:P Peace

Sweet Mattness

Active Member
Ah, there is but one voice of wisdom for you young weed grower. A plants leaves do more than most people think. Using it's wonderous leaves to absorb the suns rays (or indoor lighting) and turn it into life through out its stems to new leaves and eventually to buds. Without these your plant is merely a living stem which will soon become, again, a part of this earth from which it once came.


Well-Known Member
your plant may look bad but its fine water it give it sun light idk if its getting enough at the windowsill but it should have at least 4-5 hours of direct sunlight since its a window sill give it more also you can build a cold frame or a little greenhouse like half in the ground with some greenhouse plastic but it will live if its got water sunlight and food but since its in bad shape be light on the food