Need Help With Advise on Plants


Active Member
I am about in my 19th day of growing. I have Dr.Atomic's Northern Lights and was wondering if i should finish veg. for another 2-3 weeks so the plant is fully grown then take like all the big branches from the bottom for cloning. But after do you think i need to veg it more if its already like 30cm? I was thinking that i could go straight into flowering after the roots are done. Any Advise on this? I have 2 plants so what could i do to make a good yield.
Any plant can be cloned, regardless of age or growth stage. Take clones from mother plants that are at least 2 months old. Plants cloned before they are two months old may develop unevenly and grow slowly.

Yes, you can put the mother plant into flowering if you wish but my question is...why would you do that since you can have a mother plant to take clones from in the future?


Active Member
but could i keep 1 mother and 1 flowering in the same spot and move the one flowering out after the 12hours and keep the light on 24h for the veg one. and still get a good grow? Like i want 1 to clone with and 1 to smoke as fast as possible cuz this is my first grow. but not sure that would work


Well-Known Member
my plan was to just take clones from my clones when they get big enough then put them in flower until the clones i took are ready to flower and repeat


Active Member
U see i want to avoid this part of growing clones i want them just to be huge when i start cloning. It would be like this MOTHER PLANT-> 1-2months after veg. Cut big branches off-> Flower the Mother -> Once the Roots of these big branches are nice -> Flower The Clones. Would this work?


Well-Known Member
I can just clone the clones before i flower them right? then clone those clones before i flower those ones?


Active Member
Any plant can be cloned, regardless of age or growth stage. Take clones from mother plants that are at least 2 months old. Plants cloned before they are two months old may develop unevenly and grow slowly.

Yes, you can put the mother plant into flowering if you wish but my question is...why would you do that since you can have a mother plant to take clones from in the future?
:joint:cant u take a clone or two or three from a plant of two months and send that one into flower while raising clones to be potential mother once you know you have females?????:peace: