need help with a very hard choice

i want to start a small indoor grow op i have 2 yrs outdoors experiance and a horticultural and soil science degree and definetly know my way around a plant... but heres one thing that i just cant figure out....

would it be better to buy autoflowering plants or should i just let a normal plant veg to the height i want and just cut photo-reactive period back and nug it early

would there be thc loss to the plant due to such a short veg period or loss of yield

i would like help with this asap my roomate agreed to buy everything and let me grow it and we would split 50 50


Well-Known Member
I would suggest some bagseeds at first.

I've been growing outside for better than 30 years, all kinds of plants, not just mj.

When I came inside, all that experience didn't mean squat. It is so different, it's like learning from scratch. If i didn't have some mother plants stashed away, I would have lost everything, cause I sure killed the first couple batches of clones.

It was very humbling.


Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
you cant clone auto-flowering strains
Id get indicas, and indica hybrids, that have an up high, since sativas take
longer to flower ..