Need Help with a Diagnosis Please (PICS)


Active Member
I’ve poured over the FAQ, posts in here, and elsewhere and I can’t for the life of me identify what is wrong with these girls.

The symptoms aren’t far developed but I’m trying to catch any problems early.

Here are the specs and below is more background info and pics:

Fox Farm Ocean Forest / Light Warrior 50:50 Mix
5 gallon buckets, good drainage

Reverse Osmosis out of faucet: 7.1ph and 010ppm

RO water + CalMg+ and ph adjusted: 6.2 and 130ppm
*Given in between nutrient feedings

Veg: 1tsp FF Grow Big /gal ph adjusted ro water used after 1 month in new soil

24/0 – 400watt MH

78-80 degrees farenheit

*The pics tagged "rl" are the Rocklock
*The pics tagged "sl" are Southern Lights

Rocklock - feminized
(Rockstar x Warlock) 80% Indica / 20% Sativa

Southern Lights – regular - female
(NYC Diesel x Sensi Star) 20% Indica / 80% Sativa


Both were germed and cracked on the same day.
I believe they’re a lil over 1 month in veg now.

From what I’ve read I thought it may be an issue related to the RO water I’m using. Maybe a Mg deficiency or something. I wasn’t adding the CalMg+ to the RO water until a couple weeks ago, but even since then they’ve continued to have problems. They seem large and healthy to me other than the leaf symptoms they’re showing.

Then I thought it may be over fertilization, that maybe the soil was still too hot to add the grow big nutrients. But I’m not experienced at identifying that so I could use some help.

The last thing I’ve done was try to flush them because from what I’ve read that’s the starting point of fixing most nutrient problems. Each is in a 5 gallon bucket. I poured 3 gallons of RO water through each with a ph of 6.2 and ppm of 50. I’ve heard much more is needed for a proper flush but again, I can’t figure if it’s a deficiency or a toxicity that is bothering my girls.

I also have 2 that are in flower and have their own issues. They are in the dark for now, but I will post them up later. Should I make a new thread or add it on top of this one? I’m a frequent reader but this is my first post.


Looks to me as if they might be a tad over chem. The leaf fringing on the other hand looks like there is high humidity and not enough ventilation. Those spots can be confusing because they look a lot like a thrip infestation only it would be more wide spread, and if your looking close you would see the insect without to much trouble. From experience I know this spot, its a potassium over dose. To much potassium can literally cause a plant to over heat from the inside out, not allowing the plant to resume normal temp. Your plant can over heat even if your grow room is at ideal temp! Your using a 5 gallon container, I would flush this with 10-15 gallons of water to remove toxicity from your soils. By the way this looks like a mild case, you might have a plant that is super sensitive to chem....?


New Member
not too bad at all, back off the nutes a little bit and do u feed everytime? everyother? every third watering u feed?if u feed everyother watering maybe skip a feeding and see if your new growth is continuing to do the same but yea sometimes its hard to tellif its over feeding ormag/cal and then sometimes u have to much mag and cal and it locks out other nutes.. its a revengful battle lol