
So i succesfully germinated 2 seeds May 1st, one Barneys LSD and one WW x BB. a week later i germinated another LSD and one Red Dragon. Right now i got all four under a 400 MH, temperature stays right around 78F, and humidity at around 40%. Around May 15 I put them all in DWC with hydroton as the substrate. The first LSD and the WW x BB were given 1/4 strength of Botanicare Pure Blend Pure Grow and half of Liquid Karma, the last two were just given half strength of the Liquid Karma. Well the problem is with the WW x BB and the last LSD and partially with all of them. The WW x BB had its first set of true leaves turn yellow on me, I know mostly because my PH was off (over 7), i was using the strips and thought it was good until i decided topurchase a digital one and saw was way off. so i adjusted the PH on all down to 5.8 and saw the baby getting better, leaves startedto turn green again. then from one day to the next they just turned yellow and gotreally crispy and dead. Now with the last LSD it just doesnt seem to grow at all, itslooked the same for almost a week now!! the others are showing some grow but really slow. Am I doing something wrong??!! Oh and a couple days after switching to DWCso around May 17-18 and before i got m y grow tent, they were in the closet and the temp did get to 92F when i caught it andopened up the doors and windows and put extra fans to get it down to around 85F. Any help is greatly appreciated.20160521_101654.jpg 20160521_101642.jpg 20160521_101637.jpg 20160521_101623.jpg


1st pic: WW x BB planted May1st
2nd pic: LSD that won't grow planted May7
3rd pic: Red Dragon planted May 7
4th pic: first LSD planted May 1st


Well-Known Member
did you geminate in rockwool or rootone plug or what? doesn't matter though as are you keeping it wet with water nute mix? if not, then dip a cup into the water mix and pour it over the hydroton once a day. your closet temps got too hot but with cooler temps they should survive provided you give them water nute mix at least once a day. don't expect roots to grow so quick that they get down to the water when the plant is so young. you have to feed it from the top.


It was in rockwool. I moved a little of the hydroton out the way and the roots look healthy (white and branching off with fuzzy hairs). So maybe just water over the top with nutes water? Water level in the res is about an inch below the netted pot.


Well-Known Member
I was having a similar problem.I upped ppm to 370 is added 4 Ml / g cal mag and they seemed to bounce back I'm about a week or so ahead of you but that did the trick for me. IDK if this helps at all I'm stoned bongsmilie