Need help used too much azmax what to do?


I am currentley 3 weeks in veg stage and i used azamax 3 days straight on my plants and know they are looking droopy and not taking in water fast enough. I tried giving them water every other day but they still look horrible and some leaves are crispy. Can someone give me some good advice on what to do. By the way the only reason i did that someone told me too i had them in a seperate rooms away from my other plants which had a bunch of spidermites on them and he recommend me to spray the ones in veg stage for a couple days so they would not get affected.


Active Member
doubt its from the azamax. sounds like over watering. DO NOT water via the calendar. water your plant all the way thru. weigh it. when it weighs 65-75% less, water it again. all plants are different. droopy leaves=overwatering


No its not the watering because my plants were fine i watered them right before i sprayed them that same day just the way ive been watering all my crops than right when i used the azamax for three days straight i started drooping. Someone suggested to use powerwash on the plants they told me i suffocated them with the azamax thats why they are not taking in the water.


You juat have to waut it out buddy i just had that same problem make syte not to drown your roots with overwatering qhile they are trying to bounce back let tye get bone dry and water again