Need help topping

Oh really?? that many already? I thought a node was each set of shoots that are opposite of each other? Anyone have a suggestion where I should top this thing at?



Well-Known Member
Oh really?? that many already? I thought a node was each set of shoots that are opposite of each other? Anyone have a suggestion where I should top this thing at?

It is each set of nodes and there are five of them. If you top it I would do it at the last node (5), but I think I would wait a week or two IMO.


Well-Known Member
do it now just pick off the top and watch what happens. thats the best way to learn how to top.


Well-Known Member
I never top a plant that young..

I would wait until its got at least 6 nodes. Which in easier terms.. wait until the plant has 6 branch-sets before topping.

good luck either way..

hey i was interested in topping myself but i still have a few more weeks before that. your plant looks great! if you could please take pics when you do top i'd love to see how things go!! +rep


Active Member
according to Uncle Ben (and i see no reason to doubt him) you should top at 5 to 6 nodes (and you are right that is pair of leaves = 1 node) then top just above the second node or second set of stems. that will leave your plant with 4 steams and each will be pushed up to make a new top. any later and most agree you will get undersized top buds that cant really be called colas. if you wait till later to top the growing potential will be spread out over more then just the 4 branches and will not have what it take to produce colas. - this is all from reading not from actual experience, to get the info first hand got to uncle bens post stickied in the advanced growing tech)


Well-Known Member
Looks good, the only thing is that Ive heard that you shouldn't disturb the plants at all in the dark period and especially no light.