Need help & suggestions on very first hydro. Wanna keep it basic & cheap!


Active Member
Hey everybody,
First and foremost let me just say hello. I'm brand new to these forums, discovered them just today. I started growing a few months ago for the very first time. I started off with two plants in two pots full of organic soil. All went well for a month or so until the aphids came, never really was able to get rid of them all, and ended having to 86 the plants. I just came into possession of 10 California Skunk seeds and I want to take an alternate route with these one - hydroponics!

I have been doing some research online, but I swear to god I am the newbiest newb when it comes to this so I hence I am here for some help! I decided I would try to make this easiest on everyone so I am gonna use my editing skills and post pics, everything to get some good help! Thanks in advance.

First off, I have three 60-watt energy saving bulbs I'll be using for light. I know this is not optimum, but it's what I can afford at the time (see thread title :mrgreen: )

Here's what I just bought at the hardware store today. Let me know if I should keep or return them. Got 30 days anyways :grin:

One 3 gallon tote (15.8"x10.3"x7") and two 6" grow pots. I am planning for this to be the top bin. I want to start out small with just two plants, one in each pot.

A tube of all-purpose weld (glue). Water proof, good for PVC, wood, anything really. Was planning on using this to seal the joints when I run the tube through my totes (bins). And also a small 30GPH fountain pump, with 20" being it's max pump height. If I read correctly, this goes in the nutrient tote and pumps the nutrients into the top tote.

1/2" outer diameter (3/8" inner diameter) clear plastic tubing. The pump above has an outlet that requires this size pipe. Was planning on running it from the pump, through the nutrient tote's lid, into the bottom of the top tote (the one with the plants in it)

My 18-gallon dark tote. I read that since this will contain the nutrients, it needs to be dark to prevent algae growth. It is 23.9" x 15.9" x 16.5". Since the tote with the plants in it is 7 inches tall, and this one is 16.5 inches tall (total 23.5 inches height), and the pump's maximum height is 20 inches, I figured it'd be perfect. I also was curious, how much of the plant's soil needs to be in the water? I think the rock I am going to buy is called Hydroton.

Finally a length of 1/2" PVC pipe. I was planning on running this through the top of the nutrient tote into about the middle of the plant tote, to prevent flooding, and also of course to recycle the water. I am a little confused, though, on how high to make this.

So you see what I have. Do I need all this? What more do I need?
Also, any thorough explanations about how all this works would help too. There's too many resources online and I'm sort of confused. Do I also need an air pump? And a timer? How long would a timer need to be set for?

Any information is greatly appreciated. Thanks and I really think I will enjoy my stay :peace:

