need help several questions


Active Member
Hey I have 2 plants 7 days flowering now and I have a few questions the leaves on both plants seem to be drying out they are hard to the touch and sometimes will flake off when I touch them any ideas on what could be causing this or how to fix it? Also in the beginning I was using the wrong kind of light and I believe it has stunted the growth on them also they were in small pots and the roots had covered the entire inside of the pot so yesterday I repotted them into gallon size buckets will this help growth at all or will they just remain stunted? Any help is appreciated thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey I have 2 plants 7 days flowering now and I have a few questions the leaves on both plants seem to be drying out they are hard to the touch and sometimes will flake off when I touch them any ideas on what could be causing this or how to fix it? Also in the beginning I was using the wrong kind of light and I believe it has stunted the growth on them also they were in small pots and the roots had covered the entire inside of the pot so yesterday I repotted them into gallon size buckets will this help growth at all or will they just remain stunted? Any help is appreciated thanks.
your probably over watering, they will grow dont worry, but probably wider rather than taller


Well-Known Member
it will take some time for the roots to fill in, and during that time your plant will pretty much look like it stopped growing..... but once the roots fill in a bit it will take off.... Pix would help... what kinda lights were the "wrong" lights you had... also what lights you have now?


Active Member
I was using a "indoor grow light" but it only accents the beauty of the plant now I have two cfls one in the red spectrum one in the blue i think about 5600 lumens total