need help seedlings yellowing


Active Member
I have a few seedlings that are growing under a few cfls in 16 oz cups. They are on their third and fourth set of leaves. I think I had over watered them a bit and i let off for like 3 days. The room where I have them is kinda hot and i think the water evaporates quickly and they are only in 16 oz cups. The temp in the room is around 92 degrees. I they had been growing great up until today when I looked at them and they looked funny. The second to last set of leaves was starting to yellow and they seemed to have that over watered droopiness look to them even tho the soil was very dry. I hadn't put any nutes in there except for the prenuted MG soil. is the potting soil feed up to 3 months. I know shity stuff. But they seemed to be growing great before and the leves were really green and maybe they were a bit too dark, but they all seemed healthy. I water them every other day. I think I overwatered a bit the time before last, so I gave them 3 days before i watered and today when I looked they looked bad. droopy yellowing and curling down. I also mixed a couple drops of vinegar into a quart of water since the water comes out of the tap at like 7.7 ph. When you let tap water sit to evap the Chlorine, how much does the ph usualy drop?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
1. The Miracle Grow nutes in the soil is to hot for seedlings.
2. 92 degrees is too high a temp. 85 is about the max.
3. You need to control the temps better using fans & ventilation.


Well-Known Member
do you have holes in the bottom of the cups to let water drain out?

one of the problems with soils like MG is if you over water them you wind up releasing more of the nutes. this causes two bad things... over nuting at first and then following up with under nuting as time pases because you have washed the nutes away.

the problem sounds like a typical nitrogen starvation and over watering.

if you transplant them into a larger pot with more MG soil and stop over watering them they should improve.

no, i am not advocating using MG soil, but it does work... sorta ;)

Little Tommy sure aint wrong.


Active Member
I do have holes in the cups and when i looked at them they had not been watered for 3 days so the symptoms weren't exactly from over watering. I don't think its nitrogen starvation cuz they were deep green and fine a day before. but thanx for the info on over watering releasing more nutes. I know 92 is too hot, but like I said they were doing good at that temperature before. They went from deep green and healthy to turning yellow and curling down in a matter of two days.


Well-Known Member
your best bet is to transplant them into some good soil in larger containers. This has happened to me in the past and that usually fixes it. Just make sure not to use MG soil this time. They do have an organic version at Home Depot but the chicken guano in it gave me a nasty bronchial infection so I would stay away from that.

It pays to spend the time and money on a god soil mix, making your own is usually the best bet.


Active Member
alright... I think I'll go and get some 8" pots and some organic soil and perlite and mix 30% perlite in it and transplant. I'll also get a gallon of distilled. Should I lower the ph of the distilled to 6.5 or is it fine at 7? If I should lower it then what household chem can I use and how much for a gallon to drop it a half point?