Need Help, Please! Help me Identify this mystery plant!


I know this is a longshot but it's worth a try. I was given 8 seeds from a medical patient this spring. All cracked and 7 were female... I know, I know, what luck, huh?
All the guy knew of the seeds is that he'd had them for a year or better and they could have come from just about any type of smoke out there, he's bought them all! I figured, what the hell.

I'm not too worried about not knowing exactly what they are..... all except this one plant that looks So much different than anything I've ever grown. I've been calling it Twin Towers, which you'll see why when you see the pictures.

I grew everything in Super Soil this year, some in the ground, some in milk crates lined with landscape fabric, some in just landscape fabric... mimicking smart pots with the exception that the bottoms were open and the ground underneath turned over. The beauty of this plant, Twin Towers, is that I'd forgotten about it! I'd spaced 20 out in this particular garden and simply over looked it when it was time to transplant from the containers I brought them out in to whatever I was gonna use for each plant.

So, you can imagine my surprise when a month into it I stumbled upon this wilted up looking weed still in a 1.5 gallon houseplant container, hanging on for dear life! After nursing it back to health it really started to thrive and is now my favorite and unique enough looking that I think if anyone out there has ever grown the same strain, they'll recognize it.



Well-Known Member
Its next to impossible to say what strain she is by eye. I can tell your the purp is from cool temps.