need help on how many times to flood my table


i have a ebb n flow system i use 2 mediums 4in rockwool cubes then bary half way down in clay pellets, i dont know how many times to flood the table a day and for how long, this is for my flowering room also what is better, bary the cube in clay pellets or just sit the cube ontop of the pellets...pls help
hey bud, i'm a fellow ebb and flow-er. I use rockwool and hydroton too. One time i put 4" cubes in and buried them (they got flooded halfway)... big mistake. they got overwatered, i lost 1 plant and the other 2 suffered in yield. now i use 1.5" started cube set right above the flood line. hand water the first few days until the roots drop down. i'd start by i'd flood 2-3x per day, 15 mins each. the less rockwool you use the more you can flood. i flood 4-5x per day.
I run a diy flood n drain. I cut a piece of plywood to fit snug inside of flood tray with holes for my 6 in net pots. The pots are suspended about 3 in from bottom of flood tray. I then put around 2 in of hydroton to cover bottom of tray.
When I set my plants in baskets I set them with the rockwool cubes about 1 1/2 in above bottom of basket using hydroton as a filler.
I then set. my drain to where just the bottoms of net pots get wet. Then as the roots start growing I lower drain level to where it only floods the hydroton in tray.
I like it this way as it keeps the root zone dark, and cool. I usually flood every 4hrs for 15 min. It's been working great so far, been using for several yrs now.
hey bud, i'm a fellow ebb and flow-er. I use rockwool and hydroton too. One time i put 4" cubes in and buried them (they got flooded halfway)... big mistake. they got overwatered, i lost 1 plant and the other 2 suffered in yield. now i use 1.5" started cube set right above the flood line. hand water the first few days until the roots drop down. i'd start by i'd flood 2-3x per day, 15 mins each. the less rockwool you use the more you can flood. i flood 4-5x per day.
today i moved the 4in rockwool on top of my clay pellets, and im flooding 5x a day for 15min each time, im thinking about making a video today to show, do u think i have to get the rockwool wet and the roots in the bottom will get wet
i have done it both ways 4in rockwool cube buried in the hydroton and had no problems now i put them in rockwool then into a pot with hydroton in the pot and around the pots so the roots can come outDSCN2229.jpgDSCN2223.jpgDSCI0020.jpgDSCI0136.jpg100_0979.jpg
Oh shit i forgot i water my table 6 times a day for 15mins i run from 7 to 7 at night so i spread the times out equally in that time period and then 1 time at the half way mark when lights r out just so the roots dont dry out to much, it goes like this 1 at 7 lights on then at 10, 1, 4, and 6 and 1 at 1in the afternoon just so the roots dont dry out hope that helps