need help on growroom specs


Well-Known Member
ok, i need a tent that is under 6ft tall. i found one at htg supply, its's 20x36x64. it has 4 four inch vent ports, and two 5 inch vent ports on the tent. there are a few things i need to know. can i fit a 400watt or 430watt hps in that size tent?? hwat size arbonfan filter woul i need for that size tent?? and how many lowryer2 xak47 plants could i fit in that area?? i will be growing in soil probable 2 gallon growbags. input is much needed and appreciated thanks.


Well-Known Member
you only need a 250 watt light for that space. never tried your strain but i would try 3 or 4 average sized indicas.


Well-Known Member
I have a 400w hps in a similar size space. It is the right size for the area. DON'T get any smaller or your yield diminishes.....


Well-Known Member
kool, thanks for the light recommandations. what size carbonfilter fan combo should i get for that area? how many 2 gallon growbags could i fit in that area? 10-12?


Well-Known Member
i grow 2 plants, each in 10g containers. Veg to a foot high, train under a screen, then flower.

Yield about 4oz total.