Need Help In Choosing Light


Active Member
I'm doing my first grow and bought 5 32 watt CFL's They are 6400k daylights and are 2000 lumens each.

I decided to go with a HPS light because I'm growing 6 plants from bagseed.

My closet dimensions are 23" X 29" X 54" tall. I have 6 plants in there now.

There are so many different kinds of lights and different prices. I was wondering if I should by a 250w HPS and use the CFL with it for blue spectrum, or buy one of those lights that come with an HPS and MH bulb.

Can all of those lights take both kinds??


Well-Known Member
There are conversion bulbs and what not but it is not necessary. Just another way to make more money. I would stick with one of either, HPS is all around better. It produces more lumens and in both red blue spectrum that is needed. And for six plants a 400 watter will do you well, or two 150 watters, that would run you 50 dollors for the 150watters together. And the 400 about 120.


Active Member
nice, thanks. I'm going to stick with the 250 watt because heat might be an issue and electricity. One 250watt and 5 CFLs will throw about 38,500 lumens thats over 6000 lumens per plant in veg, and I'll probably have some males so I might only be flowering 3 plants.

Where you getting these prices? Also, whats the difference between an enclosed ballast and a remote one? is the enclosed hotter?

I was thinking about getting something like this.

Econo 250w HPS with Chrome Reflector - Inside Sun

its an extra $30 for the MH conversion bulb, although you say I dont need it.


New Member
Did you say 2X2 area.Here's what I would do.6 sprouted seeds in jiffy plugs.Transplant each plug to a 16oz. plastic party cup.Feed them miracle grow liquid houseplant food.Once they reach 4in. in height trim the main shoot with sissors,don't cut it off, just trim it.Give them 12/12 light schedule.It should take about a week for the plants to show their sex.Add some "superthrive" when you transplant.I recommend you start them off with cfl's,when it's time to transplant, use the 250 hps.


Active Member
Those two 150watts migh be a little too heavy and give off too much heat. I think Im going to go with the 250watt one.

Does an enclosed ballast give off more heat than a remote ballast that is kept outside of the room???


Well-Known Member
remote ballast will help keep the heat down. magnetic ballasts get extremely hot and if its enclosed in the hood you can bet all that excess heat will end up in your grow room.
i however think a MH conversion bulb will do you a world of good. they help keep the inter nodal spacing nice and tight. with hps in veg plants tend to stretch a bit.
i think a 250watt light with remote ballast like this one High Tech Garden Supply
which comes with both bulbs will serve you well. if all you can afford is one or the other then go with HPS and supplement the blue spectrum with CFL in veg. you will be glad you have the HPS come flower time and you turn out some nice tight nugs


Well-Known Member
Try this one out.

Discount Grow Lights from Hidhut - - 250W HPS Digital Ballast, Bulb and Economy Reflector Combo

Digital Ballast, you'll be glad you did.

Like everyone is suggesting, 400 watt is a good idea. I like the 400 over a 600 because 400 watt bulbs are easier to find locally if you would need to, 600 are the most efficient but usually have to order the bulbs offline.

I recommend th $20 150 watt HPS, then 400 watt HPS and Finally the 1000 watt HPS.

I decided to go with a HPS light because I'm growing 6 plants from bagseed.
You should decide to go with HPS because you get the best results during flower with it compared to anything else.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
It's a good choice and has been reliable to more for more than a couple years, also comes with all the cords and they just plug into each other and then into the wall and you are done. You own't be disappointed.

You still might get some HTG people but their stuff has a habit of breaking down a lot even though they do take care of it I'd rather buy something and have it work than sending things back and forth for a month or so. Then you will get a few saying HTG is cheaper but they are comparing the Magnetic ballasts and not digital.

I'm happy with my setup and expect you will also. I have bought several of these setups and not just one, so it wasn't just a fluke and I got the only one that worked.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to write one more thing and then I'm done. With Ebay it's hard to tell what you end up with, anymore it might not even be what's in the picture. Cheaper is not always better. The people have their friends bid stuff up at the end and it's just a waste of time anymore.

The above recommendation of mine, is based on several purchases over the past few years and everything has worked correctly. No problems. I'd rather order something, plug it in and use it for 3 years without incident than save 20 dollars on something somebodies cousin tried to fix that came from a dumpster and being sold as new.

That's it, I'm done.


Active Member
Awesome, thanks. I think Ill go with the HID Hut 250 watt HPS. I like that is has a digital ballast and 30,000 lumens.

For ventilation I was going to use 2 of these:

Ventilation - - 6" Flat Whisper Fan - 230CFM

One on the left side as an intake, and one as an exaust straight out of the top of the cabinet. They are 230CFM. Will these fans be powerful enough? Remember I'm trying to keep the cost down.