Need help in a lot of areas. :/ ASAP! :(


Hey everybody!

Ok so i started the 12/12 today. I moved my clones and sprouts to another room.
The mama plants(flowering) is under a 400w HPS. its convertible to MH but i switched since i heard HPS is better for flowering. How ever i had to put my clones under a 150w HPS lamp and 2 lil florescent bulbs. (3 maturing clones)(2 wwxbb sprouts)(5 new root developing clones<in dome>)

could I put the mama under the 150HPS and leave the clones under the 400w n switch it back to MH? or is 150 not enuff for one plant? its a sun system one....

nutes....what nutes should i b giving the baby sprouts/the clones n undeveloped clones?

Big mama which is really BLUE MYSTIC...btu i have feelings for i changed it to big mama lol. N e wayz....i have Indo-bat guano(sunleaves) .5-12-.2 i think?
Is this enough for her in flowering? how should i apply? is it even good to use? I remember using it once...n it burned my shyt....:( but i didnt have measuring at time either....
Juss please help...ill post pics if u need me too...

LOVE U GUYS AND THIS PLACE....smoke one fo me!!!:bigjoint:


Active Member
Tough call man, I would keep the mother under the 400w. The clones will be fine under the 150w and floros, they don't need as much light as a flowering adult plant. You don't need to add nutes until the clones have established healthy roots. Keep one of the clones as a mother under the 150w and throw the rest under the 400w with the one under it already once they establish roots. That way you can keep taking clones from the mother and have a perpetual grow. CHECK THIS OUT


Aww i read this way too i switched em, and yea, lol. Now i am too lazy to revert to old system...but i checked and i saw that it gives off 16,000 lumes...which is gud nuff for 4x4 space right? nuff for one flowering blossom i say or think. who knos...first time flowering anything lol. after clones get bigg nuff to where i can have 4 moms...ill do that sea of green teq...sounds fukn amazing! thanx for that post!


Well-Known Member
Dude one light will do all the clones that you have plus the mother depending on how many clones you want to keep,i persanaly would use the 400 hps allthough the 150 hps will do.Clone's need very little light untill they have roots put them on the side of the grow i use a 4 tube t5 plus one flouresent the job of a mother plant is just to keep her happy so she produces clones not produce a monster of a plant.The clones will be happy has long has they are getting a little light untill they have got roots then i'm sure that you will be able to find space for a few clones.Make sure that you mylar the walls and ceiling floor the lot this will help the light bounce off ......................tyke.............................................................


Well-Known Member
i would leave the mother under the 150 watt veg the clones under the 400 MH. as far as feeding goes you shouldnt be feeding your babies anything. If your in soil just make sure you have gud soil and feed them when they are teens.


YEs! Great answers! Like i kno but im always for now im I put the mama under the 150hps...12/12 and soon like in a week she will b buddin or starting to right? should i start adding the bat guano now? its high in P(12). but i think ima go n buy some big bloom because im scared to use the guano. Have any of you guys used it? its the Indonesian sunleaves one....ive never made it to fowering bcuz someone in my family human n DOG! have destroyed my shizzz...:(