Need help Identifying this deficiency/disease? Yellow/Bleach spots. Blotching random.

Hey guys, I can't say I am a very informed grower, however. I have been all over the internet to find what problem is so as I could make a solution to my problem.

I have thought of almost everything, here are my ideas.
TMV? Unlikely.
Bleached from nuets? Almost improbable.
Bleached from lighting? Considered, I did rain the leaves with lights close. However, it seems to spread with lights raised.
  • High concentrate of chemicals? I have not sprayed any chemicals on plants, all organic.
Pests? Small spider mite infestation for first time. Spayed with Habanero pepper mix, saw issue with dots the following day. Mother received same concentrate and showed no signs of damage, unlike her clones. Mites are gone. For now.
PH lockout? Stays between 5.8 and 6.3. Mostly at 5.8 with ph always on this rise. Adjust daily.
Water temp? 68*
Root rot? No signs.
System? DWC, Undercurrent. Did nuet (Transition to bloom, GH nuets) and water change, saw these hellish dots 3 days after the system flush/change nuets/lighting.
Over/Under nueting? Shows no signs of ether.
Mold/Fungus? I'm convinced it some "type" of mold...
Conditions? Temp 78 lights, off 68* Humidity is always at 55%
Light change/Stress? Saw dots after recently changing light cycle.
Spread rate? Randomly, no "clear" connection at infected area. Air born mold?

Here's some pictures. I would love some suggestions. Please, any feedback is appreciated.

I can normally wait for an answer, but the issue seems to be getting worse. It wont stop spreading .. I was hoping to narrow it to nuet deficiency or mold related? I need to have some idea as to how to treat it, it seems im running out of time.

Thanks again, any ideas?
Wow it sure does look like some kind of splash up on the leaves that is causing this, but you seem very confident this is not the case. This not resemble any type of mold or deficiency, I am stumped :wall:

its a deficiency or lockout cant remember the one, gold leaf and spreads, ive had it but checked ph, nutes etc and it stopped
Hey guys, thanks for the input thus far. But sadly I don't think we have nailed it yet. I have just done a inspection again for bugs and I still don't see anything, especially white fly's (easy to spot)

May be we can get whatever is happening before it gets to much worse. :(
Is it adding more leaves or are just the same leaves getting worse? I ask because it looks like humidity is building and the lights are using the humidity as a magnifying glass and burning the leave.....just throwing the thought out there.
Thanks for the reply, I did consider your suggestion. However, a lot of these leaves were found on the bottom of the canopy (you still see them on the top too). Some I didn't even see till I trimmed today. You can also see this issue everywhere is you look hard enough, its not located on any particular areas. I am starting to consider a sodium issue in the water. The water went the first 6 weeks without change (plus two weeks before anything was put into the system) and now that I just recently changed the water (drained it all and washed the tubs) I notice a decent amount of salt buildup on the walls of the tubs that I had to wash off. I changed the water of all that junk, so I don't know why it would be a sodium issue. But from what I hear, with sodium probs it can cause a weird cal/mag lockout. Causing something similar to a PH lockout issue.

Any feedback? Thanks.

Ps. I don't believe any of this is light/neut burn. My res is not in my grow room and I do not have humidity issues (normally at 55%). I have lifted the lights (12-16 inches away from canopy.) and have not induced water to the leaves and the problem still persists. I even turned down my two 600's to 400's to confirm.
It almost looks like some magnified broken light, but sounds like lockout and those leaves are slowly being choked out
By the recent previous and recent pics the blotching is probably burn from spraying them. The marginal yellowing and rust spots in the later pics suggest a slight/early magnesium and calcium deficiency....