**Need Help** Hydro Seed Germination Question


Well-Known Member
I need some help getting my seeds to the initial stages of 16/8 M/H Vegetation Cycle.

1.) Germinate seeds in a papertowel with reverse osmosis water with PH at 7.0 & small amount of nutrients (maybe 75-150PPM).

2.) Place papertowel inside a greenhouse tray & ensure a dark, Co2 enriched environment with a 75-80F temp for 2-3 days.

3.) Take out germinated seeds from papertowel, face the taproot (white root) striaght down, into a 5mm deep hole in rockwool cubes that have been soaked for 24 hours in 7.0PH 200PPM Nutrients RO water.

4.) Keep rockwool in greenhouse tray and around 75-80 Degrees Ferenheight with Co2 Enriched environment with florescents on 18/6 Vegetation cycle.

Keep in mind, I will be moving them to a Deep Water Culture (DWC) hydroponic growth and preferrably be using hydroton stone as my hydroponic medium.

****Please review my planned steps and let me know if you see something I need to change. Thanks!****


Well-Known Member
Start seeds in Rapid rooter cubes Ph 6,3 no nutes in greenhouse tray when they are shooting roots out of the bottom of cubes place in hydroton stones and start feeding. Good Luck


Active Member
Dampen a paper towerl, fold over seeds, throw them in a zip locked bag, put them in your drawer, wait 1-2 days and your good. Works every time for me.

"reverse osmosis water with PH at 7.0 & small amount of nutrients".....u kiddin me? lol


Well-Known Member
Meaning i'll make some RO Water and should only be at about 0-15PPM, and a lot regular tap water is around 200-300PPM that seeds are germinated in. I was going to get the PH to 7.0 at the PPM low with correct startoff nutrients 75-150PPM.

My seed company sent me to this site for germination environments. Is this website any good? http://www.cannabis-seed-banks.com/germinating-cannabis.html

They have 7.0 recommendations for soil medium. No Strain-specific information, I have White Widow Feminized.