Need Help first time grow and broke plant!!!!


:leaf: Hello,

It is my first time to grow and I really don't know that much about it. I germinized my seed and planted it...about half of my finger deep. packed the damn soil to much and the plant could break soil...i read a little on this before however and dug it out and planted it above the soil the propper's first set started and still is growing. I have a mount on my wall right under my closet light. it's a piece of shit 75wt reg bulb. I just started and also don't have the money for anything just yet. I went to my neighboors and got a cup worth of fertalizer or whatever for my soil.

My cup fell off the mount and the top of my plan broke it didn't break in half but it broke and the tope is leaning over..was...I got a stick and stood it back up aginst the stick. I put it outside in the sun, I figured it would get better light than my bulb.

my plant is only about 1in tall and has it's first set (the two round and the two first leaves) It's Six days out of seed and to save this on PLEASE HELP.



Yes i know this, but im too into my first grow... I didn't care...besides the point anyway..can you help??? my plant is still alive i just want to know if it can still grow


Well-Known Member
If the stem is not completely knocked off, you can tape it togther and it will heal itself. Will be slow first few weeks but it will live.


I just straightend it up against a stick and it's already holding it self plant is on it's sixth day it's only 1inch tall (above soil) that normal or should it be bigger??


Well-Known Member
sorry to say this but you stole, that means your plants doomed...something will happen to your plant..either while its in veg or flower you will have problems with this plant..its called karma and the weed gods dont play...


Well-Known Member
sorry to say this but you stole, that means your plants doomed...something will happen to your plant..either while its in veg or flower you will have problems with this plant..its called karma and the weed gods dont play...
Something already did, he had a cup break the plant stem :fire:

Brick Top

New Member
Since you are talking about a seedling you can replant it deeper so the lowest leaves are only about one quarter of in inch above the soil. The stem that is then under the soil will push out more roots increasing the size of your root-mass faster and it will place the bent/damaged portion of the stem under the soil where it will not have any pressure on it to possibly bend it again.
You said you are using, "a piece of shit 75wt reg bulb." That will cause stretch. Your plant(s) will stretch like mad trying to get to adequate light and you will have long tall very thin stems that are likely to bend and or break,
You need better lighting.
Something else to do is to keep a fan, such as a typical oscillating fan set on low speed blowing on your plants. In nature the wind causes lateral movement in trees and bushes and plants and it is that lateral movement that causes them to grow thicker stronger trunks/stems. Without such movement stems have far less need to thicken and grow stronger and what then happens is later when the plants grow larger and heavier, especially when budding, the stems and branches cannot carry the weight.
Find a way, hopefully a legal way, to get a decent lighting setup and add a fan and consider replanting your damaged plant deeper, and if there are other plants with thin stems do the same, as I mentioned above.
If not, only expect headaches and heartaches.


Well-Known Member
Since you are talking about a seedling you can replant it deeper so the lowest leaves are only about one quarter of in inch above the soil. The stem that is then under the soil will push out more roots increasing the size of your root-mass faster and it will place the bent/damaged portion of the stem under the soil where it will not have any pressure on it to possibly bend it again.
You said you are using, "a piece of shit 75wt reg bulb." That will cause stretch. Your plant(s) will stretch like mad trying to get to adequate light and you will have long tall very thin stems that are likely to bend and or break,
You need better lighting.
Something else to do is to keep a fan, such as a typical oscillating fan set on low speed blowing on your plants. In nature the wind causes lateral movement in trees and bushes and plants and it is that lateral movement that causes them to grow thicker stronger trunks/stems. Without such movement stems have far less need to thicken and grow stronger and what then happens is later when the plants grow larger and heavier, especially when budding, the stems and branches cannot carry the weight.
Find a way, hopefully a legal way, to get a decent lighting setup and add a fan and consider replanting your damaged plant deeper, and if there are other plants with thin stems do the same, as I mentioned above.
If not, only expect headaches and heartaches.
Dude That Avatar was a GREAT Movie, +reps. ~~~ Well not today, seems I gave one too many away?


wow give the guy a break sounds to me like he's just tryin to help the cause

:leaf: Thank you algeezy!

And i do know my neighboors by the way they got my netflix by accident and watched it before returning it, nice first impression....

I will plant it deeper so it cant lean to the side, as i hope to soon get a light.. Flourecent or whatever is what i heard ...Okay for closet growing and just one plant anyway.....If there are any other tips or tricks that i could do with items around the house that would really help!

dude i feel ure pain i had a proppa nice dutch dragon plant was still a baby and was about 1 and a half feet tall my fukin cousin dropped a dictionary and the crown completely came off, luckily i made about 10 clones the second it happened but that was going to be my mother plant :( even as a baby my room stunk of weed never really had that with another plant untill harvest but its ok because my dutch dragon clones are mature now AND THEY LIVE ON!


I wish mine could live on...of course i just decided to start growing and it's only bagseed...the only reason i havn't got a light and more seeds is payday hasn't come yet i picked a odd day to start! But damn the rush is awesome.. my plant is still alive i hope...i'ts of the round leaves has shriveld a little as well as one of the reg leave on at the tip barely but other than that it's okay. I will check the meauserment at the end of the day to see if any increase in size has happend. I hope so i know first grows are always problematic, but shit this early in the grow sucks some ass. the bagseed history sucked anyway haha but i'll try as long as the plant that right. I live in texas i have no idea how to get ahold of any other seed then schwag and popcorn, unless i pay a shit load for some dro/chronic...i can't even get a light yet...screw that.


Well-Known Member