Need Help finding 420 Friendly Commercial Property.


Well-Known Member
Legal Licensed Collective w/ Tax ID etc etc in Southern Cali. Seems harder than ever to find 420 friendly commercial property. Especially when you have to deal with a broker and not the owner. Does anyone know of any MMJ Real Estate Brokers?! Or have any advice?

Thanks bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I put up a thread like this a few months ago and all I got was crickets chirping :)

I just went through this, and basically what works is you have to prove that youre not a dirtbag thats gonna move in and trash their place and be late on rent. I dont know what your situation is, but if youre able to prove to them that you have a lot of money in the bank that helps. Also if you have any recent receipts from dispensaries that youve dealt with that adds legitimacy as well.

Look on craigslist for places in rough and/or industrial neighborhoods..theyre the ones that would rent to you because those places sit empty longer and they want to get rent checks coming in. Any nice looking place in a business park area wont do it.

It's a numbers game, just contact people and be prepared to hear no a few times. Most warehouse owners (in Ca) have already decided whether or not they will allow it. The ones that wont say no right off the bat, the ones that are open to it probably wont say yes right away but will leave the door open a crack for you to lay some info down and prove youre trustworthy.

Lastly, be wary of places that are too eager. Unfortunately there are some out there that will rip you off. They will want to get the rent and deposit and all that and then will get sketchy..or try and jack the rent way up after you get settled in. That didnt happen to me but had a friend that had some problems like that. Also, dont forget to make sure it has enough power coming in! Some places dont have shit for power and if youve already given them youre money youre screwed