Need help cloning

Hi everyone! I'm new here, so I'll make an introduction and tell you a little about my background. My name is Sol and I can do f all right.

I live in Canada and find it very difficult to locate the materials that a lot of others seem to be using.

I am a dirt farmer. I have two rubbermaid grow boxes that I built. I also have limited means in terms of space and money.

I originally started off with thirty seeds. All of them cracked, but I could only get five of them to actually take root and grow. Of those five, three petered out due to various reasons leaving me with two plants. They were luckily both female. Perhaps I accidentally purchased feminized seeds? It was my first grow and I don't recall much about the purchase. They were white widow seeds and I don't hear anybody else complaining about them not rooting so I feel it is reasonable to conclude the lack of propagation has to do with how I treated them. I was able to successfully make one clone... and given my skills that was a miracle.

Now it is time to make a clone of that plant. She is three and a half months into flowering. I know what you're thinking.... should have used a vegging mommy. But needless to say this is where I'm stumped, I cannot get my clones to root in spite of my best efforts. I have to use this lady because she's all I've got. I don't think it prudent to buy new seeds because I'll f that up too. it's not the seed bank's problem that I cannot grow.

I'm taking cuttings between the third and fourth node. I use scissors that are sterilized w/ swabbing alcohol, cutting at a 45 degree angle. Then I trim the leaves and shave the bottom centimetre. I then dip the cutting in Wilson's liquid root stimulator. I pour the rooting gel into a spoon and use that instead of dipping it into the container as I have heard it may cause contamination. Still no joy. Of the various cuttings i've taken, all have died and I have one left. Even it isn't doing so well, i'll attach a pic.

I've tried peat pucks, Schultz moisture control soil, and now i'm using an AV:MG:Perlite mix ratioed to 2:2:1. I've switched for Schultz cloning powder to Wilson rooting gel. I've tried misting, I've tried not misting. I'm currently not misting at all as I read somewhere that what drives root growth is the plant's thirst for water. I have no clue what the heat and humidity in my grow boxes are and have no means of controlling it either. I've tried using a jiffy humidity dome.... still not rooting. Right now I'm using two 10 oz clear plastic cups. I tried with just one cup and the plant collapsed within a day. I'm using water ph'd to 6.2. I'm watering two days on then one day off.

Based on what I see, I think my problem is that I've been using a flowering mommy. I've just switched the schedule on the mother plant to 24 hours full lighting from 12/12.

But the auxin is more prevalent when the plant is in the dark cycle, not a full light cycle (at least according to Wikipedia).... so shouldn't it be easier to clone from a flowering plant than a vegging plant?

If the problem is related to using a flowering plant... how long do I have to re-veg the plant before it is safe to take clones? Also, what is the best light cycle for a clone? Is there anything else the community would suggest?
Done the cloning thing for years. Its a bitch even with Good strain Veg mothers. Some strains just wont clone well too. But ya. You cant get clones to stick when your cuttings are from a flowering plant. You need to revert mom back to veg. But that will take just as long as growing a new mother instead. Also the older the plant the tougher it gets. Took me along time to figure out cloning and I read everything about it !! lol


Well-Known Member
Done the cloning thing for years. Its a bitch even with Good strain Veg mothers. Some strains just wont clone well too. But ya. You cant get clones to stick when your cuttings are from a flowering plant. You need to revert mom back to veg. But that will take just as long as growing a new mother instead. Also the older the plant the tougher it gets. Took me along time to figure out cloning and I read everything about it !! lol
you can get clones to root when taking them from a flowering mother. they just start growing weird when they finally root. after they revert to veg stage they grow regular though. it does take a few weeks for them to revert back to veg cycle.