Need help buying a Magnifying glass for looking at Trichomes!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone :-)

Im looking at buying a Magnifying glass/ trichome viewer, what ever youd like to call it!
Ill be buying it online so does anyone know any decent ones I could buy online? It can be any price range.
Id like to look at other things using it to so thatl be algood right?

- Cheers


Well-Known Member
HTG supply has 2... I like the 30x 60x better personally. the more powerful ones are way to hard to hold steady... or get a jewelers loupe.


Well-Known Member
Yeah those 30X loupes are hard to see, if you can find a 60x loupe that's the go. Some of those mini microscopes are real unsteady and hard to see.

Dimmebong's one looks all good though.


Well-Known Member
The shield needs to rest against the bud to be steady, then the lens can be raised or lowered with the wheel.


I found one for $15 at my local indoor garden shop that 20140304_191724[1].jpg looks like this. Does the trick, gets a little gummed up, so I try to keep my inspections to a minimum and wait until week 8 of flower to start looking.


Well-Known Member
If your loupe doesn't stick to the plant when you let go like
"look mah no hands" it's not ready yet.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for all the help! I ended up settling on the 420 scope 60x - 100x.
21 bucks and 6 bucks shipping. On the actual 420 scope website it was 26 bucks and it was like 30 dollars for shipping fuck that!! haha Amazon had the scopes to but it wasn't free shipping to NZ.

Dimebong that would have been my second choice but I had a little extra cash to spare this week :-)


Well-Known Member
I have a kind scope and some other squar thing. I gotta say the easiest
for me is just a good magnifying glass.


Well-Known Member
Got my 420 scope! Its haven't looked at any bud yet but there were a few crumbs in a container I had and wow its amazing seeing trichome up close, its pretty clear to.

Takes some patience but once its focused in and you suss the scope out its great. x100 zoom is out of it haha Also its wack looking at shit up close like flowers and coins and just anything small.

The potato leaf was mad to look at up close. Can see all the little spines and hairs and shit :-)
