need help bad with temperatures in grow tent


I am a beginner and I have a 5 by 5 by 7 foot grow tent with a 6 inch inline fan duct to the hood of my lamp pulling hair out into the duct going outdoors with a 4 inch inline fan at the bottom of my tent poling fresh air into the tent also with a 16 inch osculating fan circulating inside of the tent and my temperature is about 8283 degrees also the humidity is around 33 percent I heard an ideal temperature is 7280 degrees what can I do to get my temperatures lower I've already invested a lot of money into this grow and my temperatures are too high I do not have any plants at this moment because of this problem somebody please help me with some advice what can I do to cool my temp down if I have already installed to inline fans 1 pulling air out and 1 pulling air into the tent please please give me some good positive feedback on also I live in Sacramento and it is October so it is cool in my room temperature averages 7275 degreesthis I really need help

Mister Black

Active Member
You could try a water cooled fan pushing air into your tent instead of a normal fan It will increase humidity. It will also decrease temps by about 4 degrees. The downside is that it will need refilling daily or even more often if you want to use ice cooling blocks for maximum cooling instead of just cold water.


Well-Known Member
Get a large box fan ($20) from WalMart and put it in the doorway to your grow room. Ideally
you'd like to have the fan up high as hot air rises. I had a fan on the floor and my room was 87 degrees.
I elevated the fan just 2 feet and the temp went down to 83.



Well-Known Member
600 watter instead of a 1000, run ac, change to running the lights during the coolest period of the day.

Temperature control and horrid lack of light tightness are 2 of the biggest reason I no longer run tents, and have completely tried to steer people away from them lately unless they have literally no other choice. For me personally I used to run a 4x4 and a 8x4 and temps where to much of a constant battle all the time....

Also honestly dude 82-83 degrees really isn't to bad a temp. Things can be a lot worse, last summer even with an 8in fan, ac and etc. our 8x4 could peak at 95ish with everything running flawless btw we where running 600's.

That is when I realized how much heat/temp tents retain.


Active Member
I just started up a 4x4x7 tent this week. 600w HPS, 18-6 cycle, blue dream and SSH clones. So far heat peaked at 87.4 degrees and that was at the hottest point in the day about 4hrs before I shut the lights off. Seems to make my ladies really thirsty (not a bad thing) but other then that no harmful heat side effects yet. I try to run freshair thru the whole house at least 2 times a day just to keep things cooler and uh..fresher. I heard Ed R. prefers to keep things around 78 degrees which had me worried at first cus mine fluxes from about 75 to 85 during the day, but after reading on here I think i'm cool like a fool in a pool (albeit a heated one..). Don't give up on the room just cus of a little warmth, think about all the herb grown in equitorial regions- that shit gets HOT! We all want a perfect enviroment, but sometimes location doesn't afford us that. I'm up about 3hours North of you and we've got a strain of supermites up here and dampness that you wouldn't believe down in SacTown but ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get through. Best of luck to ya.


I knos that 83 isnt all that big of a worry but at times it can peak to about 85 i want it to be at least down to 77 i will be pleased with that im wondering if i can run a 600 watt hps on the 1000 watt balast or will it explode thatz my only option i do have a fan circulating and cool air is being brougbt in via intake can i run a 600 or do i risk my lamp system trying


Honestly, I have done many tent grows in the summer with temps consistently in the mid to high 80's with no co2 and have had just as good of yields as cooler season grows. The plants seem a little happier at cooler temps but its nothing to stress out about. Keep the 1000 watt going, keep your light a good distance from the plants and sack up for another fan before the summer. Put your 4 inch fan on the vented hood, running through the tent, move the 6 inch fan to the intake and put an 8 inch fan on the exhaust.