need help asap


Well-Known Member
your pictures is realy bad .. and it dont help to shout either ..

and ther is to littel info ... how old .. wher do they grow .. temp/humidity ... and I dont know your fertz .. give me some numbers to work with atlest ..

and if its flowering allready just relax and sit back .. its normal with bottom yellowing leaves doning flowering ..
2012_07200004.jpgView attachment 2262550there about 4 ft tall in veggie, its been 90 to 100 degrees, there in thr ground havent watered for 3 days time before that i went 5 days and only watered 1 gal, pretty good holes...but before that i was watering 1 gal every day as it was like 110 degrees...i was feeding them 2 little sppons of max1 and did this severla time along prior to that miracle grow and in between i had rinsed and watered with just reg water...but they went dormant here a while bqack trying to flower and now they are still acting wierd...was getting ready to up the dose of maxi to see as it seemd like a deficieny....never used this maxi before soem maybee theyve been under fert this whole time..thanks for any advice


Active Member
Fill a bucket with dechlorinated water, add a cup of worm castings, 1tbsp of epsom salt or Cal/Mag, ph it to 6.8, and bubble it with a fish pump for a day, then water your plants with it.
That looks like a slight magnesium def, or maybe a nitrogen lockout.
None the less if its not magnesium is a ph thing...
It dosent look to bad tho aslong as it dosent progress to more leaves.
Check the PH.
The brew I said to make will probably fix it, and if it dosent, it wont hurt anything, I promise. Plants need quite a bit of magnesium, Cal/Mag should always be included in your stash of fertilizers.
Its pretty difficult to od a plant with magnesium so dont hesitate to add a little to your water every time you need to water your plants.

Dont add more Maxi yet! Its always better to under feed than over feed. Maxi is a phosphorus and potassium fertilizer so youre probably going to have either a Nitrogen def or Magnesium def if anything.
But dont add Nitrogen if you are about to flip to flowering or if you are currently in flowering, it will weaken your stems and your nugs will be airy and not dense.
A few more, better detailed pictures would help too.....

....Anywho, keep us posted