Need help asap please all suggestions will be tried and updated

Hey i have a plant about 10-14 inches tall wondering what i do from here lol i wan to increase yield and also make clone i have super thrive and oneness humboldt 1base nute it does not have any 5 point leaves only 3 but does that mean to yound to do any topping or anything like that ? It has 2 one point leave at bottom and the above has 3 point leaves and next leave up the same and the middle is growing a new set a total nube any suggestions oh yah and im growin in i rockwool i cut up and the hydro round rocks took two 3 inch net pots cut bottom on one and made a deeper bucket for weight and thought it would support bottom stem is in a home made bubble ponics with a 1 gallon and a quart ice cream tub cut whole in top set it up just like the 6 space bubbleponic planter i ordered ( thats how igot most the stuff thoutht it would be better to grow one would be better for the plant to have its own home) i measure 1 mil for nute in the gallon and i have bucket about 2 inches in the water Let me know what i should do


Active Member
would def fim/cut them, raise your light like 3-6 inches and it will cause them to stretch, but in the long run when your deep into flowering it will give light under the colas. i didnt fim and i so wished that i did because i have a decent main cola n all but i was wanting big buds. my plants are staring week nine flowering and are still less than 2 feet tall. keepin it small