Need HELP ASAP! Massive Death

my babies are dying like crazy and i am lost as to why. some things have changed lately but they were dying before and its not the same with all of them. i have a list of posible factors but dont know where to start. most are reaching that unsurvivable point but i have to figure out how to save whats left.

soaked or let them dry
feed them or not

looks like heat and humidity combined with salt toxicity. plants cant transpire because of humidity and plant can take up any water because of salt build up. what to do is flush plants with ph'ed water and get more ventilation bring cool fresh air in and hot humid air out. let me try to guess your situation. you have soil that does not drain properly so you don't achieve at least 10 percent run off when you fertilize and water. you see the salts in they soil keep adding up and your soil always stays wet and kind of compacted. your soil does not dry out because your humidity is probably too high maybe above 70 percent. let me also guess you don't have a hydrometer . if you only have one fan in there get two and lose the foil .foil reflects more heat than just plain white surface.white poly is the best for light reflectivity without the heat reflectivity. let me know if i am right or way off . any info will help on the growing condition leading up to the this horrible event.
response to Gary: how to recover whats left. im reloating them tomorrow out of the heat but im not sure thats the entire problem. they get 9-12-12 regularly. idk ph of the water. they are 5-6 months old. nothing special strain wise...... and yes?

response to feedtheweed- drainage is actually good. i worry its too good sometimes in some. nothing has struck me as being salts from what i see. before the move humidity was low. now its higher and the temp is much higher. im using daylight cfls and until recently heat wasnt a problem. no hydrometer. not having luck finding meters at home depot.


Well-Known Member
Do you live with your parents or someone else who might not approve of your garden, plants look poisoned. Did they slowly get like this or all of a sudden?

Gary Busey

New Member
What lights are you using and how close you keeping them to the plants?

Tin foil traps heat, and if your air circulation is poor, and have a light that produces heat, and the tin foil trapping in the heat, that could be one of your problems.

Are the plants in soil or hydro? If it's hydro, I'd empty the res, and start over with fresh solution that is PH'd, and with the proper amount of nutes.
2 26w 6500k cfls. plants vary in distance but the cabinet is maybe 18in deep by 3/4ft wide by 5ish ft tall. i might have nine plants left and they are in soil. i hope its just heat. im going to fix that asap. im worried that is might be a fungus or something though because they were slowly dieing like this before and then the heat/humidity accelerated death
fungus needs lots of moisture and nitrogen let plants dry out between waterings and stop fertilizing until you see a turn around in the plants


Active Member
2 26w 6500k cfls. plants vary in distance but the cabinet is maybe 18in deep by 3/4ft wide by 5ish ft tall. i might have nine plants left and they are in soil. i hope its just heat. im going to fix that asap. im worried that is might be a fungus or something though because they were slowly dieing like this before and then the heat/humidity accelerated death
How many plants did you have in there to start with?


Well-Known Member
It looks like murder to me! That the worst I think I ever seen:lol: They looked like some one may of poison them, that's past tense cause their dead! Did you piss off any of your homies or the old lady? They may of slipped something in there~ :eyesmoke:
i had 20 or so plants at one point. they didnt all die at once tho. natural selection. til i did this stupidness. Which i am on my way to fixing. moved them back to a cooler enviroment. humidity was about 50 and i'll ... the temp. sprayed some baking soda (?) water to hopefully kill the mold. fan going. and in the 4'x3'x18" cabinet


Active Member
i remember asking my mother, hey ma whats for dinner, she shouted, shut up and get back in the oven.
and that is where your plants have been growing !!!


Well-Known Member
Wowwwwww that's crazy
IMHO I would try and take as many clones
As poss and start again
But that's not what ur gonna wanna hear
5 months in


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