I already removed the problem area from the plant and thru it over the hill, There is no more of it on the plant. My logic sais is if something is rotting like "bud rot' it wouldn't smell the same because of the rot but I'm inexperienced because I usually grow in doors and never had to deal with this before.
You can get some serenade spray, ive used it in desperate situations when i saw some mold forming about a month into flowering.
Ive used this one and another bottle that im pretty sure is the same just rebranded. (same shape, ingredients, price, just at a different store)
on the bottle it says for fruits and edibles to leave 2 weeks from the last day sprayed. So if you grab some soon you might be able to reverse it.
Spray it on right as the sun starts to set or right before it rises so that it can dry before the sun hits it.
It will probably turn your pistols orange prematurely but it should help with the mold.
be gentle with the spray because too much moisture, even of a mold killer, can attract diseases.