Need ergent help, will be highly appreciated if solved!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah man, remove that pm. I couldnt really see the bug, though I have tired eyes. do you notice any webbing? day 60 of flower, man what a time to have pm..can we get a full body shot of her?


Well-Known Member
nice man, my last question is how much growth is effected with the visible pm? I mean in theory its the whole plant. but if you were to remove all the growth with visible mildew on it would she be leaf-less of just a little thinned out?


Well-Known Member
in addition to removing the visible fruiting pm, thinning her out a little bit will help get the air moving. Hows your ventilation? humidity? i lied, i had more questions :)
no problem i appreciate the interest, and to answer your questions its not as bad as it could be but it is there and removing affected leaves would thin her out just a bit. and as for the vent. its not great but it does get hot its about 81 degrees and 41 percent humidity now -at night!


Well-Known Member
damn, cool that lady down. get some fans blowing, this will help you dude. up your vent you're soo close let her get some cool air at night. ok bed for me, later bro.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
powdery mildew is pretty much incurable when you see the fruiting bodies, (the powdery shit) all you can do is Ventilate, Ventilate, Ventilate, Ventilate, Ventilate! dont do any more foliar spraying, not even for the spider mites, keep the humidity as low as possible, and pour a sack of charcoal briquets into a big tub in a corner of the room (absorbs water from the air)

for the spider mites, theres not a lot you can do at this stage that wont fuck up your flowers unless you can totally seal your room, and i mean totally.

if you can seal your room, dont use the charcoal briquets, instead fill the tub with dry ice.

leave your recirculation fans running, but seal your vents, ALL of them, except a small vent hole near the ceiling, shut down your exhaust fan and put the dry ice into the room. tape the cracks around the door after you exit, and wait for several hours. as the dry ice melts the room will fill with CO2 making your plants very happy, but killing the mites. if your lights are on during this process your plants will grow very well, and the room will be considerably cooler for the duration of the melting.

you cant go into the room for several hours, and you must ventilate the room before entering (unless you want to die), and you would need to do this once a day for about a week to kill em all, or even most of them.

we did this to eliminate an insect infestation in an orchid house once, and it was very effective. the key points are:

Seal every crack you can find except a small vent to outside at the very top of the room with plastic sheeting and duct tape
Kill the exhaust blowers
Tape the doors after you exit to ensure a good the seal
Do it several times to ensure that you have killed all the mites that hatch after the first gassing in your CO2 death chamber.