Need confirmation that these are male plants


Hey everyone, I have 30 outdoor plants and luckily, only a few seem to be male.
Can someone confirm that these are in fact male so we can get rid of them?

How fast do they pollinate the females? Do they only pollinate once their balls are full-sized? Or can they pollinate them now, even though they’re still small?

Thanks guys


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They're young but those look like male pre flowers.

Grow them another week to be sure but they look like males.

They go from a tear drop shape and after a few days to weeks it will open like a flower and at that point the pollen is released (pic from googling below).
The point yours are (and yes its hard to say 100% from the pics if they are males) they should still ok to be around the females, but nothing is ever 100%
autoflower-cannabis-male-flower-sack.jpg fully open and ready to drop the 'banana' shapes that hold the pollen.

male.jpg this shows some male flowers in all stages...some open and some not.
The first picture is male without a doubt. The second looks male also but you probably want to wait a few days to be certain.

The plant will give you plenty of advanced notice before it is capable of pollinating anything. Its those sneaky week 4-5 herms that are a problem.