Need comments on my first indoor growroom.


Well-Known Member
Alright, sorry for the crappy quality on the picture. My digi is in other hands right now for a highly erotic photoshoot! :hump: Can anyone tell me if anything at all is wrong in this growroom? Do the clothes need to go to another closet of mine (fire hazard? I'm only using CFL's) or are they okay where they're at? Is the mylar just on one side enough? Thanks for the input fellas!



Well-Known Member
Not a whole lot of people submit photos like this. Most people ask for comments on a grow room, or a grow cab. But whatever. If that's all you have to work with, then roll with it, it will be fine. If you can move your clothes into another closet, it would give you more room, and therefore more room for your plants. No harm in that, but it isn't required. Putting mylar all around the plants is also more beneficial than on one side, but if that's what you have to work with, then so be it.

By the way, mylar really shouldn't be applied like that. It's very important that you keep it as smooth and flat as possible. Those wrinkles and krinks will cause hot spots and burn your plants. If you can't keep it flat, just go with white paint, it would end up being much better. Also, I recomend that you get a fan in there, it will help you out.

What lights are you using? I know you said CFLs but how many, what wattage? Any reflector? Temps?


Well-Known Member
Heh I might as well take it down then aye? As all the walls in my house are a matte white. I'm only trying to cover my bases before I get started on a closet grow, I've seen a few closet grows like this, cant remember which one (I know it had a nice lookin' shotgun in the pic too though!). I have 6 100w equivalents, they're 5500k each and put out about 1300 lumens a piece. I'll be looking around on the forums more for a good reflector (still wishy washy on what kind to get) and the temperature will be controlled via my house a/c which stay around 73-75. Humidity will be controlled with a bucket of water left to evaporate in the closet.


Well-Known Member
be careful about using hosue ac to control temps. It doesn't always work. My closet can get up to 95 degrees, but the sensor is downstairs and in the hallway. My room stays 75, downstairs it's 72, so even though my closet is frying the rest of the house is fine so the ac doesn't kick on.

as for now all you need is a simple reflector you can get at home depo. Look in the shop lights, and get a simple clip on one. Costs like $5 or something. Just use that for now. Wait to buy a real reflector when you get a HID.