Need Answers for my Question


Active Member
I have some question im hoping not to forget soon, (stoned atm), lemme give some back round, doing a closet grow, using a 150 hps, going to ScrOG a cross of C99xB-Berry, will be working like 3 or 4 under the screen and one mother, ill be using the pure blend pro grow and the other one thats made for flowering(cant find it atm, dont feel like looking). Ok so here are all my question lol. ScrOGing, how long do i veg and flower for, how high should the screen be from the pots. My mother, for lighting should i leave in on all 24 hours or 18/6, and how long should she live for. Now my nutrients when i was at my local hydroponics store everyone swore at nutrient additive called "dark energy" was a must, you opinions on this product. now i remember reading some where about leaving your tap water out to dissolve the chorine in it, how long do i leave it out for. Last question can i prepare my Nutrients before hand and store them till i use them, like in a 1 gallon jug, my nutrients are organic if that matters. alright thats it thanks in advance to all responders.:joint:
Also forgot to ask if any one uses hydrogen peroxide in the DWC
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Well-Known Member
Welcome! need to do some searching in the fac sections and the stickies, but I'll help where I can. I like 18/6 for veg and mothers...take care of the mum and she'llbe around for quite a while. I've never heard of dark energy...can't help there. Yes leave tap water out for least overnight...and with an air stone to speed up the evap. And yeah you can pre mix a gallon of nutes in a jug...but it will need an air stone inn there so the organic matter doesn't die off...I don't keep them that way for more than a week..just make a new batch after that.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Ok so here are all my question lol. ScrOGing, how long do i veg and flower for, how high should the screen be from the pots.
Done well, SCRoG is truly an art form. It can be a bit tricky knowing how long to veg in SCRoG, but you can presume that the plants will continue some veg growth (though tapering off and increasing flowering habit) for at least 4 weeks into 12/12. A common error in SCRoG is vegging too long and the plants grow too large for their screen. In my SCRoG attempts in days past, I only vegged them for about a week before flipping to 12/12.

Because of the fiddliness of SCRoG, I switched to SoG and eliminated vegging of plants I was later going to flower altogether. This allowed me to run a perpetual harvest arrangement as I no longer needed my flowering space for vegging.

My mother, for lighting should i leave in on all 24 hours or 18/6, and how long should she live for.
I run my mums under 24/7 400 HPS. I replace mums about every 8 weeks, more or less, with a clone taken from one of them.

Now my nutrients when i was at my local hydroponics store everyone swore at nutrient additive called "dark energy" was a must, you opinions on this product.
Sounds like the usual 'magic sauce,' where what's in it is a great big secret. Magic sauces are most often nothing more than profit makers with a high water content. Unless a maker is going to tell you exactly what's in their magic sauce, it's snake oil. Canna's PK-13-14 is a good example of an additive that is not a magic sauce, perhaps an 'open source' magic sauce, if you will, where there's at least some replicatable botanical science happening with it.

now i remember reading some where about leaving your tap water out to dissolve the chorine in it, how long do i leave it out for.
Chlorine in tapwater won't hurt plants. Don't worry about it.

Last question can i prepare my Nutrients before hand and store them till i use them, like in a 1 gallon jug, my nutrients are organic if that matters. alright thats it thanks in advance to all responders.:joint:
Not a good idea. Mix up your nutes immediately before you intend to use them. Multipart nute mixes are multipart, usually not because the maker wants to sell you extra plastic bottles but most likely because the chems necessary to provide all macro & micronutrients may interact/react with others, meaning a mixed tank of nutrients has a use-by date.

Also forgot to ask if any one uses hydrogen peroxide in the DWC Using Hydrogen Peroxide in your Hydroponics Growing System
H2O2 breaks down organic molecules, including organic nutes. If you add H2O2 to mixed nutes and it foams & bubbles, you can make a guess that the nutes are not compatible with H2O2. Consult your organic nute maker for the last word with regards to compatibility with H2O2. Nutrients made from chemicals such as ammonium nitrate are already in a form assimilatable by plants and can't be broken down further by H2O2's oxidation action.

I dose my tanks with 50% grade H2O2 @ 1ml/L every 3-4 days.


Well-Known Member
Pre-mixing a gallon of nutes is fine...I've done it plenty...its the same dam thing as having the nutes in a reservoir!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Pre-mixing a gallon of nutes is fine...I've done it plenty...its the same dam thing as having the nutes in a reservoir!
Um, no.

Nutes, once mixed, have a shelf life. They should be in the tank as soon as they're mixed, being used by the plants, up until the end of the ~14 day usable life of that batch of nutes.

If you mix nutes with water and then store them in a container for future use over some period of time (which was the question), they're not likely to be in the state the maker intended by the time you get to use them.

If this is something 'you've done plenty,' you're likely not getting best use of the nutes you've shelled out your cash for- but hey, it's your cash.

Nutes should NOT be mixed until immediately prior to putting that batch of nute to work feeding plants.


Well-Known Member
Um yes...I have talked with the tech line on this very issue in the past when I wanted to make sure it was ok. They said they will be fine as long as there is an air stone and you give them a shake once in a while. I only do this in the begining of the grow when I put my starter plugs into the hydroton and they need to be hand watered for a bit. The gallon goes in about 4-5 days, so I don't take it all the way to the 7 day limit the tech said it would have. So I guess the real answer would be to ask the maker of your nutes if it would be ok or not. I know you are very knowledgeable and know your stuff AL....but I just can't bring myself to take your word over theirs. But I guess safe is better than sorry if you're unsure.....and I probably don't use the same nutes, so I guess you should listen to Al
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Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
The gallon goes in about 4-5 days, so I don't take it all the way to the 7 day limit the tech said it would have.
If you're using the nutes within the maker's recommendation of the usable life of a mixed batch of nutes, great!

If you're mixing nutes and storing them for several weeks before use, not so good.


Well-Known Member
Oh no . no no not a few weeks. I was saying 7 days max nothing about several weeks. Several weeks would be a BIG no no ...I imagine no matter what nutes you use. Either way...thats what I do, and it may not be right for Lostmd. I didn't really think there would be too big a difference between nute lines as far as storing a gallon(with air stone) for a week....but I'm no expert.


Well-Known Member
And yeah you can pre mix a gallon of nutes in a jug...but it will need an air stone inn there so the organic matter doesn't die off...I don't keep them that way for more than a week..just make a new batch after that.
Ah ha! lol I thought I did. and I was saying air stone for his organics that he said he had.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Organic nutrients are not made of living matter. They are generally made from water filtered through composted (read: dead) organic material. Nothing to keep alive.


Well-Known Member
Keep from rotting then?....either way the tech said to use an air stone....just don't go into your shhpeal about bene's and chlorine..jk:) I already read about it in your fact thread. You're gona have to do another one the way things are going. Anyway...lets move on I'm not trying to start a debate about it.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Yes, I'm sure that the tech suggested an airstone in the nutes for when they're in the tank, being used to supply the plants. However, an airstone won't extend the shelf life of an idle container of mixed nutes.

My original point was to mix your nutes just before you're going to use them. A mixed batch of nutes only lasts 7-14 days (depending on which mfr you ask), so use it within that time frame and you're good to go.


Well-Known Member
OMG he said to use it in the gallon jug so that they don't go bad. Its Advanced Nutes that I use(didn't say because I'm sure you're gona give a lashing...just keep it to your self:)) The end all be all is....Call your nute manf. and ask them.
Were you ever on a debate team back in the day? Asking because your very good at countering things in a way that makes me stumble on what/how to answering a question with a question.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
OMG he said to use it in the gallon jug so that they don't go bad.
Welp, I disagree with the guy. If anything, pumping air through a nute solution stands a likelihood of increasing oxidation and advancing the breakdown of the materials, reducing their storage life.

I'd far and away prefer to store nutes in their concentrated form and mix up only enough sauce for my needs within 7-14 days.

Its Advanced Nutes that I use(didn't say because I'm sure you're gona give a lashing...just keep it to your self:)) The end all be all is....Call your nute manf. and ask them.
I don't have an opinion one way or another on nute makers. Most nutes are as good as the other. While the nute maker ought to be the last word, I'm not sure that's universally true, certainly not in this case with the advice you were given by AN.

Were you ever on a debate team back in the day? Asking because your very good at countering things in a way that makes me stumble on what/how to answering a question with a question.
Well thanks, but no, I have never been a master debater. ;) I'm not really here for debate, either. I'm in it for the science, thanks.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
As I consider it, I DO think there can be a use for keeping a jug of nutes with an airstone in it, but shelf-life extension isn't that use.

If you are hand-watering a run-to-waste op, having oxygenated nutes at the ready sounds like a good thing.


Well-Known Member
As I consider it, I DO think there can be a use for keeping a jug of nutes with an airstone in it, but shelf-life extension isn't that use.

If you are hand-watering a run-to-waste op, having oxygenated nutes at the ready sounds like a good thing.

Oh well heck!!...were talking about the same thing then. I wasn't coming at it from the shelf life thing at all...only for hand watering for the first week or so till the ebb n flow water reaches the roots. I think we finally connected:peace: