NEED ANSWERS! (4 month old out door)


So my friend down the street has had a this girl since it was a seedling. He had it in a pot for a while and in about mid-april he put her in the soil behind his house. Its now August 21st and the plant is only 2' feet tall. Maybe 3 or 4 inch leaves. Its bushy as hell now but its still not flowering and its going to be frosting over in the mornings in only a few weeks. I inspected it closely and there are a few tiny red hairs starting to come out where the shoots come out. There aren't many crystals either. We are wondering if maybe there is something we can put on it to accelerate the flowering process or is it just not going to do anything. Cause we'll jus have to bushwack it and cut our loses is its jus guna die premature ina few weeks when the cold fronts of winter start. Please be open and give us anything ya got. Thanks ya'll




Active Member
itll bud ive budded plants that were one foot tall but it might finish before the frost or wuteva and you can use tiger bloom works good


Active Member
Its not even September yet and you want it to bud? You have to have some patience and give it time. Should start budding soon and should be finished before winter. Some are slow going but trust me, they are living things and are fully aware of the seasons (better than humans) plus its been very hot the last few weeks so it might think its still in the thick of summer. Good luck.


Active Member
Could always build a large box. 4 walls and a top, open bottom. Slip it over the plant, and give it 12 hours of dark/12 hours of light. Might help kick start the flowering. Just another thought. You just got to stay on top of it, and make sure it only gets 12 hours of light a day.

Some guys put the plant in a dark closet for 24 hours to kick start flowering. I have never done this, so I can't comment. Other people have, so there is info on it out there, just gotta look. Google helps.

Unless you know frost is around the corner, and you KNOW for a fact you wont gets buds unless you force flower, best suggestion is to just let it do its thing. Your call man. Your plant.

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
where the hell you at? it's 92F here in the northeast. There is still Fall, when the light cycle naturally occurs. it will just keep getting bushy till then.


Well-Known Member
seriously, where u at thats its so damn cold? im in NY n its in the mid 90's everyday right now lol it'll take a whileb before its frosting here... but idk where u live, could live in greenland for all i know lol


Well-Known Member
Just as an inspiration to you... I'm currently flowering out a girl that came from bagseed, was tossed in last years tomatoe plant pot (old used soil)... this was in January... froze 3 times (yeah it doesn't get very cold here) but this little seedling... not even 6 leaves on it survived the freezes, grew through the hot humid southern summer (average 120 days above 86 degrees F) past few weeks it's been HIGH 90's F here and she's kicking strong at almost 5 feet tall. Not a curled leaf, and beautiful buds, i have pics but they aren't on this comp. yet. Just goes to show you, plants are F&**ng amazing things, we don't give them near enough credit! Dont chop her down, worst thing that could happen is she freezes and dies. that can be prevented with a bed sheet. or plastic wrap. If it really is going to frost in the next few weeks where you live it's probably already so cold that the temps are stunting growth, this may be the culprit, goodluck!