Need an idea for ghetto moisture


Well-Known Member
Ghetto growbox = ghetto moisture.

It's a bubbleponics system but the box is cooled by a window AC unit direct through a vent.

I was wondering if anyone hay any suggestions for keeping the moisture up in there.


Well-Known Member
I've seen people use a coffee pot warming plate
with a coffee pot on top with water in it.
It gives off just enough moisture for small grow cabinets.



Well-Known Member
I've seen people use a coffee pot warming plate
with a coffee pot on top with water in it.
It gives off just enough moisture for small grow cabinets.

MIght as well go get a humidifier if this is your idea, they're not expensive and won't add so much heat to your space. I would just put a bowl of water with your fan blowing on it. Actually I would spend $20 or less on a small humidifier, but I guess if you are trying to be ghetto the purchasing may not work.


Well-Known Member
Give your window A/C a break and replace it with a window "Swamp Cooler", it will run a lot cheaper and ad moisture at the same time!


Well-Known Member
Give your window A/C a break and replace it with a window "Swamp Cooler", it will run a lot cheaper and ad moisture at the same time!

Lol, the unit cools this room I'm in too. It's a large unit with 2 sets of vents, so I piped one set and the other blows into my room.

I got a fishtank heater and put it in a deep glass cup and am keeping that water at 85 degrees. Will see how that works.