Need Alternative..


Well-Known Member
I need something for flowering other than HPS that's the problem, please tell me, i am starting again and need some past info. :confused:


Well-Known Member
other than HPS as in you cant afford an hps ? or you just dont wanna ?
you can flower with t5 flourescents ok but not as good as hps.
or you can flower with a bunch of compact flouros. not my favorite option but i will work if thats all you can afford. but just 1 wont do it you need a pile of them


Well-Known Member
It's not that, but the price of the ballast, but there are some ballasts for $26, but they are DIY and ive never wired anything in my life before. Any other options?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
I'm afraid HPS really is the way to go, why not just get one of those vaporlight things everyones talking about? 150w hps for $20, with the ballast built in.
The only other options are cfls, which get pricey if you want enough to get anything like a decent yield, and are about half as efficient as HPS, or LEDs, which are expensive, and don't really provide enough light intensity for good yields.

:edit: Found the link to that $20 HPS, it's vapor tight not vaporlight:eyesmoke: