Need Advise!!!


New Member
Hi all!
I have my girl on 12/12 for 2 weeks now. On at 9am off at 9pm.... Now this morning while doing my routine check up, i realised my lights were off.... I noticed the timer wasn't properly seated in the plug, so it flickered my lights off... Now it was probably off for about 4-5hrs.. I imediatly turned the lights on as soon as i noticed.. Will that stress my baby?? Almost all threads are about interrupting dark periods, which never happened... How about interrupting light period??

Picture 001.jpgPicture 002.jpg

This is my girl.... I hope i didn't upset her :(


Well-Known Member
just do what would happen in nature aka start the timer back the way it was(the sun still rises everyday) and keep on keeping on


New Member
Thanks everyone for the quick replies!!! I've been lurking around this site for quite a while now, and decided to finaly sign up.. I don't regret one bit ;) As for my girl, i did put her right back to schedule and hoping for the best... She's doing good so far in my stealth briefcase...This is my very 1st attempt at growing, and i don'd even know the strain... Just a random bagseed. But yeah thanks for the replies.. Now i'm hooked! lol


Well-Known Member
yep, this is addicting as it gets and the girls are some tuff creatures as u will learn. keep tape at hand for when u break a limb u can make repairs