need advice!


Active Member
hey guys well ive notice i have shit soil.more like dirst than soil and 1 of my pots is loaded with the little nutriants balls and it causing serious problems.i was wondering what would be the best and least stressful way for me to transfer them into the new soil i bought.cheers any advice would be muc apreciated.


Well-Known Member
transplanting aint hard , just put some soil down then put the plant in and fill around the plant , goto your local garden/hydro store and pickup some transplanting products to help with the stress, transplanting products are pretty much the same as clonning/cutting stuff ...just hormones i think


Active Member
one of them is abut bigger then 2 1/2 ft and the other 1 is 2ft.i know how to transplant.what im saying is whats a easy way to try seperate as much old shity soil from the roots.
All you can do is shake it out a bit and put it in the new soil, that should do it and its not worth putting it through shock by ripping up the roots (just my opinion of course)


Active Member
yea thats what i thought aswell.nah i dont wanna rip them up from the roots.i just thought id ask because they are in big pots .so what i plan on doing is to tip the pot upside down and try ease it out then lightly tap the bottom or the soil to free up the shit dirt thats in it and ten plant them back into the fresh soil.i hope it dont do to much stress.


Well-Known Member
100% transplant if the soil is more like dirt from a garden.Get a little perlit in there too about a 70% compost and the rest perlite.I'm not one for useing solid feeds i like fluids it is just easyer to maintain the ph of the feed going in.So i would get hold of some more nutrients like advanced nutes sensi plus vitalink is the one that i use now and my yeilds are nice all the time.


Well-Known Member
All you can do is shake it out a bit and put it in the new soil, that should do it and its not worth putting it through shock by ripping up the roots (just my opinion of course)

I disagree use a water hose wash off the old soil and put them in fox farm OF. Plants are strong and the shock will be minimal compared to the nasty bug infested soil. Plants will love it.

When transplanting I stimulate the bottom of the roots of the old pot with a water hose before transplanting into the new pot as a rule of thumb, even with good soil.

dont "shake it" that will stress it just use a water hose a crunch and wash away the old soil.


Well-Known Member
3 of my plants had died due to me getting out the garden hose and watering down the roots , its to cold from what they are used 2. ,mind u my plants were only 3-4 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
3 of my plants had died due to me getting out the garden hose and watering down the roots , its to cold from what they are used 2. ,mind u my plants were only 3-4 weeks old.
I do it all the time for convertion of plants from soil to hydo or bad soil to good soil but if you are scared just plant it in better soil and get some fungus nat treatment.