Need advice


Well-Known Member
More drainage will help should you overwater again, stop doing it, she doesn't need much right now. She looks like she is ok. Her cotyledon are fine. They provide nutrients for her till her roots can support her, they are supposed to shrivel and die. If you just transplanted them, let them be for a week or so. Patience is your best friend now.


Well-Known Member
Dont transplant wet. You’ll tear the roots. she’ll be fine. Let her dry and don’t do that again.


Well-Known Member
Let em ride out and dry up. Then only give them a couple ounces of water each per day. Maybe twice a day.. depending on how fast they dry out. Shading the soil can keep moisture in the cup.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Those tiny baby leaves at the bottom will yellow and die; totally normal. Don’t panic yet. When it dries out some more use only a hand sprayer to water until it grows some nodes. Give a light spritz daily or every other day; hard to overwater this way. When it gets bigger you could water from the bottom if you place in a tray. Be sure you got good drainage holes; the more porous your container the better.


Well-Known Member
She doesn't need watered daily. You'll drown her that way. A good watering every 3-4 days right now should be fine. I had one run of seedlings I only watered once in about 3 weeks. They don't need much and you're medium holds quite a bit of moisture.