need advice on switching my grow system


Hello all. I've been scouring these forums for over a year now, and have done a lot of research on hydro systems. I built a Dwc, it was nice, tho slow. I built an ebb and flow, I don't like it at all, the setup isn't for me. I then built a nft system, liked it, then incorporated it into a top drip system with halo drip rings instead of spikes. The halo rings clogged like no other, even w hydroton, a screen on the drain, a screen box I sewed around the pump, and more mesh/filter on the actual pump itself, they still clogged
so I went with drip spikes. So I now use a top drip/nft system using hydroton and drip spikes. 12 plants. After a million ppl said it wnt work and im a fool for trying, I put all 12 of these plants into a 2x2 darkstreets grow tent. Small space Lotta plants. I used a very deep res to counteract low root space, the roots grow down, in nothing but air, and the nutes trickle down the roots, and then rushes along the slanted bottom of the plant res, back to the nute res. With trimming and the extra space from depth all the plants fit fine. I've done 3 successful harvests, (after many failed attempts, at which I look back and actually laugh at how ignorant and wrong I was about a lot of things) and pulled half an oz dry from each plant, running a 12/12 from seed inspired by del. I've grown kush, bagseed, and now thc bomb from bomb seeds.

Now my fiance is complaining that the noise from the water dripping is too much of a dead giveaway as im stealthing this grow, carbon filter the whole 9 yards. So my question is, is there a way I can keep my 12 plants in my 2x2 tent with a system that uses media other than soil, or running dripping water.

Happy smoking



Well-Known Member
Well you could do a drain to waste in a hydro medium. Then you can still use the drip technique pots and a flood table just have it drain to a waste res. you wouldn't be using the table for anything but a guide to the waste res.

just throwing it out there might be more work than its worth. You could just take the drain hose from the table put it on the side of waste res so it rides the wall down instead of a gravity drop into the res making the drip noise you don't want.