Need advice on nutes, on a tight budget

Spent a lot more than planned, and need to veg these babies for a couple weeks before forcing flower. Current settup is 13 master kush clones about 6 inch tall well rooted in cubes, inside of 6in square pots, some with hydroton and some in STG hail, the new inert white fluffy medium. In a properly set up tent with 400w hps, which i will switch to my 1000 at the right time. The pots sit in flood and drain table with rez underneath, currently giving plain water 2-3 times a day for 5 min or so. THe plants look real healthy, but their lime green color tells me they need N. PPM of tap water is 336, i add just a little peroxide.
So, to my i really need to spend another wad? Really cant afford to.
any advice appreciated. First hydro indoor attempt.

water kept at ph 5.5-6.0

The Zapper

well they arent going to grow if all they have is water in hydro. Hurry and get something in there or they'll start getting deficiencies. You defiantly need nutes with hydro, in any stage cept seedlings. Fox farm Grow Big would do and is cheap. But i recommend getting a rooting enhancer if you can afford it, especially if you're throwing a 1000w in there. Good Luck!


Active Member
This Jack's stuff fits my budget just right. What kind of soil do you recommend? I was thinking Fox Farms Ocean Forest, or Mel's Mix (square foot gardening mix) 1/3rd Vermiculite 1/3 peat moss 1/3 good compost.
Never mind, I found my own answer.
One part Happy Frogs
Two parts Ocean Forrest
1 cup Sphagnum moss (a handful)
One tablespoon Dolomite Lime (per gallon of soil)

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
You can get Alaska fish emulsion and Alaska Bloom at Wal Fart or your local hard ware store. It's about 6 or 7 bucks a bottle. I used to use it by mixing three parts Alaska Fish Emulsion to one part Alaska Bloom. Then the other way around when in flower. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I use GH Maxi series nutes, expect to pay $13-15 per bag, 2 bags 1 veg and 1 flower. These are really easy to use, I have never experienced any burn and the price is right. Give these a try and I don't think that you will be let down. Good luck!